e-Tax alert 182 eng - Taiwan – COVID-19 Latest Regulations: No Quarantine for Business Travelers

COVID-19 Latest Regulations: No Quarantine for Business

Starting October 13, mandatory quarantine will be discontinued, and all arrivals will only need to undergo a 7-day “self-health management”.

Ying-Tai Ting


KPMG in Taiwan


Starting October 13, mandatory quarantine will be discontinued, and all arrivals will only need to undergo a 7-day “self-health management”.1

Why this matters

Following an announcement by the CECC, the visa-exempt entry scheme to Taiwan has been fully reinstated since September 29. Eligible nationals, entering Taiwan to engage in activities that do not require a permit 2.3, (such as business, exhibition visits, fact-finding missions, international exchanges, visiting relatives, tourism, and social events) may be visa exempt. Moreover, effective 00:00am, October 13, travelers will no longer be required to quarantine and will instead undergo a seven-day period of self-health management upon arrival.

To sum up, Taiwan has reinstated pre-pandemic travelling regulations for foreigners, which dramatically reduces the cost of travelling and increases individuals’ willingness to invest, conduct business, as well as travel to Taiwan; all of which facilitates Taiwan’s economy development.


Based on the previous “3+4” policy 4, international arrivals are required to undergo a 3-day quarantine, followed by a 4-day self-health management on-arrival saliva PCR testing requirements for all passengers arriving in Taiwan will be canceled.

New Situation

Effective from 00:00am, October 13, (incoming flight's scheduled arrival time), mandatory quarantine for international arrivals will instead be replaced with a seven-day self-health management period. Related border restrictions will also be lifted. Details are listed as follows:

1. Rules on Self-Health Management

A. Mandatory quarantine will be discontinued.

B. Arriving travelers will no longer be required to make a health declaration on the Quarantine System for Entry before arrival and to have a Taiwanese mobile phone number.

C. The COVID-19 Health Declaration and Home Quarantine Notice will no longer be issued to arriving travelers.

D. Electronic fencing and monitoring measures will be suspended, and home quarantine

designation will no longer be marked in the National Health Insurance system. Home quarantine services from local governments will also be suspended.

E. Travelers must adhere to the following during the self-health management period:

a. In principle, travelers should stay at home or at a residence of a friend or family member, or at a hotel room that meets the requirement of "one person per room" (with a private bathroom) during the self-health management period.

b. During the home quarantine period, arriving travelers should avoid coming into contact with persons who have a high risk of developing severe COVID-19 (including elderly aged 65 or older, children under 6, and individuals who are immunocompromised or have a weak immune system).

c. Individuals are required to present a negative rapid test result, taken within two days, before they go out, go to work, or attend school. Mask are to be worn at all times when outside. Symptomatic individuals should remain at home and may receive home care in an enhanced quarantine hotel/ government quarantine facility, or at the place where they undergo self-health management (general hotel not included).

d. Travelers can dine out alone or with specific persons in a restaurant and can temporarily remove their mask when dining. Face mask must be worn after meal and at all times when outside.

e. Travelers may not visit or stay with a hospitalized individual and should avoid going to long-term care facilities.

f. Non-urgent medical care or examinations should be postponed.

2. COVID-19 Testing measures

A. Four rapid test kits will be given to travelers aged 2 and older upon arrival at international airports/ports.

B.  When to use rapid tests?

a. On the day of arrival or on the first day of the self-health management (home quarantine) period (D0/D1).

b. Individuals must present a negative test result within two days before going out during the self-health management period.

c. Test results will not be recorded. Travelers should adhere to the Self-Health Management Guidelines if they tested positive on the rapid test.

d. Children under the age of two will not be required to take rapid tests during the self-health management period.

3. Transportation

A. Travelers with COVID-19 symptoms in the 14 days before arrival should voluntarily report their symptoms to the airport/port CDC quarantine officer, cooperate in undergoing a saliva test, and take a quarantine taxi according to the quarantine officers’ assessment and direction.

B. Travelers without COVID-19 symptoms may take public transportation.

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