“Bakış” is published every three months and provides information on main macroeconomic indicators in Turkish and global economy.
Bakış provides information on main macroeconomic indicators in Turkish and global economy.
Bakış provides information on main macroeconomic indicators in Turkish and global economy, along with brief commentary. We believe it would be a good idea to benefit from this quarterly study for creating another communication channel with our stakeholders and we are happy to meet you via “Bakış”, which was created as an internal study initially among KPMG professionals. To be more distinctive and differentiated, we choose to tell the story in a casual tone while placing more graphs and tables as much as possible. We hope that this publication, both in print and electronic forms, finds its place; on your car seat next to you as you drive to a meeting so that you could have a quick look, on your desk as you are having your morning coffee or among your files in your review and planning meetings, and continues to be published having been improved with your comments and recommendations.
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