Jagath Perera
Partner – Governance Risk & Compliance Services, Forensic Services Risk Management Partner
KPMG in Sri Lanka
Jagath is a Partner and Head of Risk Consulting for KPMG in Sri Lanka. He is also the Managing Partner of the Maldives branch of KPMG and leads the Forensic and Internal Audit units for KPMG in Sri Lanka. He has over 20 years of experience in risk consulting and has led engagements in developing ICAAP policy as well as review of ICAAP policy, Forensic Investigations, Risk based Internal Audits, Internal Control Reviews, AML Reviews, Migration Audits, Data Analytics, Business Plans and Feasibility Reports across sectors.
- Advisory
- Forensic
- Internal audit
- Investigations
- Risk Consulting
- Risk Management
Fellow Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka (FCA)
Fellow member of the Society of Certified Management Accountants of Sri Lanka (FSCMA)
Certified Fraud Examiner (Texas, USA)
Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration from the University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka
Member of the Institute of Internal Auditors