Accountability in Tanzania (AcT) Programme

Accountability in Tanzania (AcT) Programme

Supporting strengthened accountability in Tanzania

act programme

Accountability in Tanzania programme (AcT) is a governance programme that supports civil society organizations (CSOs) to empower citizens to hold government accountable for delivery of quality services and responsible management of public resources. During the life of the programme, ACT 1 which was funded by the UK Government, achieved enhanced citizen access to information, increased citizen action, strengthened civil society, and enhanced elected and appointed representatives’ engagement with citizens at local and national level.

The net present value of AcT 1 was determined as £138 million against a total spend of £36 million. Following our successful completion of AcT 1, we have been selected as the programme manager for the second phase, AcT 2 through a competitive process. AcT 1 was implemented from 2009 - 2016 and AcT 2 which started in 2016 will be completed in 2019.

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