Going Global in High Growth Markets
Going Global in High Growth Markets
Article Posted date15 July 2017
A chapter from "The Entrepreneur's Roadmap: From Concept to IPO"
Businesses, including startups, are always looking for opportunities to grow. In many cases, that means expanding abroad. If your firm is considering this international option, you have some choices. Some firms may prefer establishing operations in one of the developed foreign countries (e.g., France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Japan, the Nordic countries, United Kingdom, and Spain). These countries typically have stable governments, well-developed infrastructures, and an established business culture. Or they can look to one of the many developing countries located in Africa, Asia, South and Central America, and parts of Europe with rapidly growing economies and potential high growth markets (HGMs). This article focuses on business opportunities in these HGM countries, the challenges you may encounter, and some examples of companies that have faced and overcome these challenges.
Want to learn more?
To read the full chapter of "Going Global in High Growth Markets," download the guide The Entrprepreneur's Roadmap: From Concept to IPO
KPMG Authors
Brian Hughes, National Partner in Charge of Private Markets Group and National Venture Capital Coleader
Mark Barnes, Partner in Charge of International Corridors
Phil Isom, Global Head of M&A
About The Entrepreneur’s Roadmap: From Concept to IPO
A guide for entrepreneurs of fast growing enterprises
Successful entrepreneurs don’t repeat other people’s mistakes. They learn from them. And then they adapt their strategy and roadmap accordingly. But accessing the best advisors, talent and experiences isn’t easy. And if you are a CEO, CFO, Controller or Founder responsible for growing a private company, you may not have the time – or the connections – to get the full picture.
KPMG, in collaboration with the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and additional contributors, have developed The Entrepreneur’s Roadmap: From Concept to IPO. This guide is designed to help entrepreneurs by offering critical insights from concept to taking a company public and gain an understanding of both the benefits and challenges through each stage.
> Download the guide or request a printed copy here.
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