Mara Zimen has taken on the role of Sustainability Officer at KPMG in Germany since May 2022. Prior to this, she worked for 12 years at KPMG in the area of Sustainability Services and assisted our clients in auditing and advising on sustainability issues. Mara has extensive expertise in the development of sustainability strategies in companies as well as in the establishment of related management and reporting processes.
Sustainability is the social issue of our time and a decisive success factor for companies, as it is for KPMG. Sustainable and ecological management is an integral part and basis of our KPMG strategy. Our value For Better. We do what really counts. requires us to reconcile economic success with social and ecological demands. As Sustainability Officer for KPMG Germany, I want to implement our sustainability programme and thus make an active contribution to positive development in society. I want to help ensure that KPMG is and remains Clear Choice for our clients, employees and the public.