About KPMG

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KPMG International is a global network of independent companies operating in 143 countries throughout the world. It is staffed by more than 270 000 professionals with multidisciplinary skills and offers audit, tax, legal, and advisory services.

KPMG is a brand used by KPMG International member firms. Each firm is a separate legal entity that must honour global values and policies, especially quality standards.

Member firms are direct members of or have other legal links to KPMG International, an English private limited company. KPMG International acts as a coordinating body for member firms but does not provide professional services to clients. These are provided exclusively by member firms.

"Our ambition is for KPMG to continue delivering growth while being the most trusted and trustworthy professional services firm. That means being an employer of choice, a trusted advisor, an effective auditor and a responsible industry leader."

Bill Thomas
chair of KPMG International

Our vision

We love being part of our clients’ success. We are proud of the KPMG brand and the direction our firm is taking. Over the years, KPMG staff has created a unique corporate culture that is based on strong values. We are not afraid to be different from others, while the trust of the public remains key to us. We want to be The Clear Choice for both clients and employees.

We want to be an attractive employer for university graduates, provide excellent services for successful companies, and hence become a highly sought-after partner delivering the best services in the field.

We recognise the importance of sustainability issues, so we look for ways to be as environmentally friendly as possible. We support the citizens of the Czech Republic as well as our clients on their journey towards sustainability.

KPMG in the Czech Republic

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KPMG in the Czech Republic has been offering audit, tax, and advisory services for 30 years. Among KPMG’s clients are significant Czech as well as international entities, representatives of the public sector, and non-profit organisations.

1990 – KPMG is founded by František Dostálek and Jan Žůrek.

1991 – Within the first wave of privatisations, KPMG conducts the first audits and stands at the inception of the first tax laws in a democratic Czechoslovakia. The firm is growing rapidly and expanding, opening additional offices in Brno, Jablonec, and České Budějovice. 

1996 – KPMG in the Czech Republic employs almost 500 people. 

2015 – The number of employees reaches 900 and the firm reports revenues of over CZK 1,4 billion. 

2016 – KPMG receives the TOP Responsible Company title.

2022 – Managing Partner Radek Halíček is elected chairman and managing partner of the KPMG network in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE).

In the fiscal year ending 30 September 2023, KPMG in the Czech Republic offered client services through the three following operating entities:

  • KPMG Česká republika, s. r. o. (“KPMG ČR”, founded in 1990),
  • KPMG Česká republika Audit, s. r. o. (“KPMG Audit”, founded in 1993),
  • KPMG Legal s. r. o., law office (“KPMG Legal”, founded in 2010).

All KPMG entities in the Czech Republic have their registered office in Prague, Pobřežní 648/1a. KPMG ČR and KPMG Audit also have offices in Brno, České Budějovice, and Ostrava (see here for more information).

Financial indicators

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In the financial year ending 30 September 2023, after the elimination of intercompany transactions, KPMG Česká republika, s.r.o., KPMG Česká republika Audit, s.r.o. and the law offices of KPMG Legal s.r.o., reported total revenue for services rendered of CZK 2 378 million (previous fiscal year – CZK 2 150 million) and total operating profit of CZK 293 million (previous fiscal year – CZK 343 million).

Management and organisational structure

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Managing partner

The managing partner leads the management committee and makes sure that its members are provided with accurate, timely, and clear information.  JUDr. Ing. Radek Halíček has been the managing partner for all entities of the KPMG in the Czech Republic since fiscal year 2017.

Management Committee


The managing body of the firm is the management committee, responsible for the sustainable growth of the entity. The management committee assures the firm’s organisational management, sets the corporate strategy, and watches over its fulfilment, while comparing the firm’s actual results with the entrepreneurial plan. 

The management committee consists of seven members: the managing partner, the partner responsible for quality and risk management and five other members (representatives of the CEO, COO and partners responsible for professional functions). In the fiscal year 2023, these were:

The managing partner appoints the individual members of the management committee who are responsible for specific areas of the organisational structure of KPMG's firms in the Czech Republic. The Management Committee meets at least once a month and addresses key issues related to the firms' activities, i.e. operational and financial performance of the firms, annual plans, new business activities, technology development, human resources, marketing, remuneration, sustainability and risk management policies.

The management committee regularly reviews its performance and cooperation with partners. It also regularly communicates its performance with other partners. A partner meeting is held once a year to evaluate the economic success of the firm as well as the effectiveness of its management.


Together, the partners are responsible for the firm’s corporate strategy and for the oversight over its implementation. They regularly review issues of great importance to the firm. These include its operational and financial performance, annual business plans and budgets, new business proposals, marketing, the development of new technologies and work methodologies, remuneration and risk management.

The remuneration of all partners of the firm is subject to KPMG's remuneration principles for partners in Central and Eastern Europe. It depends on the achievement of firm and personal objectives and the outcome of partner performance reviews. Partner performance criteria include, in particular, the quality of work, compliance with internal regulations and procedures, the degree of complexity of assignments, as well as the extent and quality of people management, training, and accountability activities within the firm's internal organisational structure.

The independence of the governing bodies is ensured through KPMG International's rules. Further information is provided in the Global Transparency Report.

Corporate responsibility management / CSR at KPMG in the Czech Republic

Three departments are responsible for sustainability issues. People, Performance & Culture, which reports directly to the partner in the position of chief operating officer, handles employee issues.

Support and training of the non-profit sector and measures contributing to environmental mitigation fall under the remit of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) department, which is headed by Milan Bláha, the partner also in charge of auditing commercial firms. He reports sustainability issues directly to the managing partner. The head of CSR reports to the partner in charge of CSR and prepares the responsible business strategy, which he and the partner submit to the management committee for approval. The management committee reports at least once a year on the implementation of the approved strategy.

Each professional department also has a CSR coordinator, who then participates in the management of responsible business, brings feedback from the different departments and helps to promote and organise sustainability activities across the firm.

Sustainability issues pertaining to of governance fall under the Risk and Quality Management department.

Services offered by KPMG in the Czech Republic

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KPMG’s Audit provides trustworthy and intelligible information about a company’s financial state. Our sector-oriented teams utilise our detailed knowledge of industrial sectors and employ data analysis. Our experts specialise in the financial sector, real estate, energy, industrial enterprises, retail, the automotive industry as well as telecommunications. During audits, they always consider the individual sector’s specifics. KPMG also benefits from the work of actuaries, tax advisors, forensic auditors, valuation and IT experts. 


Tax advisory

Our team of tax advisors monitors legislative developments, case law and changes in the approach of the tax administration. We work closely with the lawyers and attorneys from the law offices of KPMG Legal. Thanks to our broad knowledge of accounting and tax legislation and our membership in KPMG’s global network of firms, we can offer comprehensive advisory services including a broad scale of specialised services. 


Legal services

The law offices of KPMG Legal focus on corporate law, transaction advisory services, regulatory issues, technology law, labour law issues, public tenders and public-private partnerships (PPPs), family businesses, succession issues, arbitration, and of course tax litigations. KPMG Legal offers its services to Czech and international clients from all sectors. Apart from traditional services, KPMG Legal also offers specialised legal assistance either closely linked with other services that law offices usually do not provide or requiring highly specialised expertise, e.g., in investment funds.


Advisory services: Management Consulting

Our consultants link knowledge with data and technology. They offer measurable results and provide local expertise with a global perspective. Technological developments are changing traditional business models, and companies are faced with geopolitical as well as macroeconomic changes. To remain successful, they must gain and retain a competitive advantage and at the same time deal with the demands of indispensable austerity measures. Our advisory services enable them to successfully continue in their endeavours.


Advisory services: Deals

Our consultants think like investors and actively look for acquisition, selling, partnership, and investment opportunities as well as ways to increase effectiveness. As part of every project, we consider all business aspects, utilise analytical tools and recognise the specifics of individual business sectors. With deep knowledge of the local market, we offer impartial advisory and expert services independent from any financing sources. At our side stands KPMG’s entire global network of member firms with the know-how of more than a thousand experts in more than 50 countries.


Advisory services: Risk Consulting

Risk management is a strategic and essential prerequisite for any successful business undertaking. Companies are at the centre of ever-increasing geopolitical, reputational, and regulatory risks, and need to address these threats. To successfully address these risks, companies need to implement effective risk management processes into their decision-making. Our team of more than 100 professionals can help them do just that, as it includes experts in regulatory requirements, financial, operational and IT risk management, as well as specialists with extensive experience in internal audit, fraud investigation, actuarial, ESG and sustainability, and other related areas.


Advisory services: Accounting Services & Payroll

Accounting Services & Payroll aims to always adapt its services to the specific needs of our clients, thus helping them lower their business costs. We advise on how to better take care of a company’s bookkeeping and payroll agenda. We offer financial accounting and management reporting services. Providing outsourcing services, we can take over a company’s entire payroll process, paying out wages and dealing with all connected administrative aspects. While processing a client’s payroll, we can tie into their internal processes. We also offer administrative support services, including the documentation and processing of payment orders, invoices, statistics reports, and travel expenses.


In the Czech Republic, we systematically focus on the following sectors:

  • financial services (banking and insurance industries, as well as investment funds),
  • energy,
  • manufacturing and industrial companies,
  • building industry and real estate,
  • retail,
  • automotive industry,
  • transportation and logistics,
  • family businesses,
  • telecommunications,
  • public administration.


Foreign desks (German, Korean, Japanese, and Chinese desks) also play an important role, as colleagues seconded from the respective countries help develop relations with foreign investors operating in the Czech Republic.