We care about our employees

GRI  2-7 | 3-3

The audit, tax and advisory services we offer require highly qualified staff. For this reason, we recruit university-educated candidates of an analytical type with a predominantly economic, IT and legal background.

We support lifelong learning for both our employees and people outside KPMG. We view each of our employees as a unique individual who has come to us to grow on both a professional and personal level. The stories on our blog describe the successes of individual colleagues in both junior and senior roles. We cater to the needs of our employees and engage them in activities that promote personal engagement and responsibility.

Talent education and development

GRI 404-1 l 404-2

Education is intrinsic to the field in which we operate, the nature of the work we do, and the name we carry. Education is one of the values we uphold globally at KPMG.

For more information on education statistics, please refer to the GRI data.

The training and development of KPMG employees is largely provided by the KPMG Business Institute. It was founded according to international training schemes that guarantee a high level of quality in the courses offered. The KPMG Business Institute offers both technical and soft skills training courses, which are revised annually to respond to market and employee requirements.

We support our employees in participating in courses and obtaining certifications from key professional organisations:

  • ACCA (Chamber of Auditors of the Czech Republic)
  • Chamber of Tax Advisors
  • Institute of Certified Accountants
  • ISACA and PRINCE2, with focuses on project management.

Internally, we offer IT Academy courses where all employees can improve their computer skills.

We consider foreign languages as well as precise Czech indispensable. For all who want to improve their skills, we offer Language Academy courses. We regularly organise English and German lessons and provide Czech language lessons for foreign colleagues who have expanded our teams (e.g., after the Russian invasion of Ukraine).

We do not neglect the development of soft skills. The Development Academy allows each employee to spend at least two working days a year on personal development. Trained internal coaches are also available to all employees.

The above are complemented by other one-off events throughout the year, e.g., LinkedIn training sessions or Knowledge Cafés on various topics such as the possibilities of using AI.

Training courses and workshops are not the only development opportunities. Professional conferences in which we are involved as organisers, speakers or participants, both in the Czech Republic and internationally, play an important role.

Secondments abroad

The KPMG network offers short-term (up to 1 year) and long-term (2-5 years) internships in foreign offices through the KPMG Global Opportunities programme. So far, 107 employees have taken advantage of this opportunity, most of whom have travelled to Germany or Canada. In the fiscal year 2023, 2 colleagues were sent abroad.

Opportunities for graduates

We offer both part-time internships and full-time employment. We mainly employ students and graduates of economic, technical and IT schools. All junior candidates go through online performance tests that aim to evaluate their work with texts and graphs as well as their analytical and logical thinking and English language abilities. Interviews are conducted online as well as offline.

Every year we organise workshops, lectures, and competitions to present our work to students and graduates. We also offer students the opportunity to try out a mock interview. Many of our colleagues also lecture at universities across the country.

Students and graduates are also targeted by our recruitment campaigns, which are supported by the blog vyrostli-jsme.cz, where our employees present their work at KPMG and share their stories.

Data studies at the University of Economics

At the Faculty of Informatics and Statistics of the University of Economics in Prague, we helped to open a master's degree programme in data and analytics for business and an MBA programme called Data & Analytics for Business Management. Thanks to these programmes, students gain practical skills in data, analytics, and technology. KPMG is the professional guarantor of both programmes.

Both students and professionals were able to explore the possibilities of artificial intelligence and learn more about ethics and safety when working with these revolutionary technologies at the KPMG Data Festival, this time entitled Secrets of the Data Underworld.

Performance evaluations

GRI 404-3

Regular performance evaluations and the assessment of the professional and personal development of employees are integral parts of our corporate environment. Together with their performance managers, every six months, employees get to discuss and evaluate their performance and development and set goals for the future.  

Employee Satisfaction Survey

Every year, we ask employees in a global satisfaction survey how they feel about the firm, how they rate it, what they think of its performance and where they see room for improvement. In fiscal year 2023, 84% of employees completed the survey.

After evaluating the survey, we further clarify in smaller teams across divisions what specifically employees would see as possible solutions to the lowest-rated issues. Based on this feedback, we then develop an action plan that is communicated by the managing partner to all employees.

The action plan will focus mainly on:

  • the working environment 
  • communication and leadership.

Employees do not have to wait until this survey to express their opinions, ideas, or concerns. At any time, they can contact their manager, business partner, use the anonymous complaints box, or use the KPMG Hotline.

Equal and flexible working conditions

GRI  405-1 

As part of a global network, we are building an open firm culture and safe environment for all individuals regardless of ethnicity, race, nationality, sexual orientation, or gender. The representation of women and men in individual positions has not changed much over time. More detailed information can be found in the GRI data.

Our commitment to diversity was officially sealed in 2015 with our signing of the Diversity Charter.

We offer the opportunity to work from home, in which we see many advantages. During the covid period, this approach was tested, and we have retained both options even after it became again save to return to the office. The number of telework days is decided by the management of the department concerned.

Employees on maternity or parental leave 

GRI 401-3 

We always try to extend equal and flexible conditions to our employees on parental leave. If the type of work allows it and employees are interested, we offer employees the possibility to work part-time and adjust their work schedule.

In fiscal year 2023, 171 women and 10 men were on parental leave, i.e., a total of 181 colleagues.  

With all, we are in regular contact through teambuilding and social events and aim to make their return to work best fit their personal needs and possibilities. 

Employee recruitment and turnover

GRI 401-1

Just like every year, in FY2023, we welcomed the largest number of newcomers in September. Most of them were graduates or master programme students. To the latter, we offer work experience on a part-time basis during their studies.

In the fiscal year 2023, our branch in Brno grew considerably, with candidates from the ranks of university students in particular showing great interest in working for us. Recruitment of senior colleagues involved in the development of new services was also successful.

Overall, in FY 2023, 271 new colleagues joined us. Most new recruits typically fill junior positions. More than 3,500 students and graduates apply to all our departments each year, of which we recruit around 200. More detailed information is available in the GRI data.

The fluctuation rate in FY 2023 was just under 22%. In total, 248 people left KPMG. Significant staff renewal was recorded in the České Budějovice office, but this is because of the overall low number of employees. There is also a higher rate of fluctuation in the team member position, which is often held by students or university graduates who have yet to find a field they would like to pursue.


GRI 401-2

To our employees, we offer a wide array of benefits, which we review each year depending on the results of our annual employee satisfaction survey.

In a cafeteria system of optional perks, employees can select which benefits suit them most, including meal vouchers and educational, cultural, sports, wellness, and healthcare services and events. All employees other than partners are entitled to cafeteria benefits.

In the sports sphere, the firm offers contributions towards multisport cards and race registration fees.

As part of their employment relationship with KPMG, individuals may choose to receive life insurance with 24-hour global validity covering all work and private activities.

As part of their development, we offer employees a wide range of training - professional certifications and programmes, language courses, training in interpersonal competences or training in technical and computer skills. Employees can take study leave in connection with selected programmes. Membership of professional organisations and chambers is fully covered by us.

Health and occupational safety

GRI 403-1 | 403-2 | 403-3 | 403-4 | 403-5 | 403-6 | 403-7

The physical and mental health of our employees is a very important issue for us. We strive to compensate the demanding nature of our colleagues' work by creating a pleasant working environment and conditions that take into account ergonomics, comfort and rest in addition to productivity and efficiency.

We arrange for all employees to have an initial check-up and regular preventive care in accordance with generally binding legislation. For all cases (questions, consultations, or concerns) relating to health and safety at work, HR business partners are available to help employees resolve the situation.

We place great emphasis on the selection and furnishing of office space. We want to create a representative environment for our clients, but equally important is the satisfaction of our employees. Working areas with superior equipment are complemented by relaxation areas. All areas, including the terraces, are non-smoking. Regular fire safety training is part of the functioning of the offices.

Employees in crisis situations have access to psychological counselling for psychological problems.

In the fiscal year 2023, no work-related accidents or work-related serious illnesses were recorded.

We support employee health through the Healthy Firm programme. As part of the programme, we organise monthly health-promoting activities centred on various topics.

The programme also encourages employees to participate in sports. One of our colleagues' favourite sports is running. This year, we participated in the Prague Relay and the nationwide sports challenge Go to Work by Bike, Walk or Trot. We also took part in the Fun & Run against homophobia. A physiotherapist regularly visits our firm and once a year, we organise preventive eye exams, pigment checks, and body composition measurements followed by a consultation with a specialist.


GRI 413-1

We offer employees a wide range of development opportunities, including through CSR activities. We motivate them to get personally involved and volunteer in their free time, and at the same time we contribute to improving the working environment. Each employee can devote one working day to helping a non-profit organisation or participate in a group DobroDay.

We regularly organise blood drives at our premises. Medical staff from the General University Hospital come to draw blood three times a year.

We financially support non-profit organisations in which our employees work.

For example, we have supported ANO, ANO, an organisation supporting socially handicapped children. It received a grant of CZK 60,000 to support education, physical, social, and cultural education and sports for children, the organisation of beneficial events and the inclusion of children, youth, and adults with physical or social disabilities. We also supported the Spolu s vámi, z. ú. (Together with You association) with CZK 60,000 for making cultural institutions accessible to the visually impaired. We contributed CZK 27,500 to the kindergarten in Kojčice to help equip it with ICT equipment and basic software.

Our traditional holiday collection this year intended to support people affected by the war in Ukraine, and employees raised CZK 185,000. Together with the firm's contribution, we distributed CZK 300,000 between META, o. p. s. and Post Bellum.