U.S. CEO Outlook 2017
U.S. CEO Outlook 2017
KPMG’s U.S. CEO Outlook 2017 for new CEO perspectives that indicate an uptick of positive trends emerging across a range of issues and industries.
KPMG’s U.S. CEO Outlook 2017 for new CEO perspectives that indicate an uptick of...
KPMG’s survey of 400 U.S. chief executives reveals a surge in CEO confidence. Results show that most have a positive outlook on economic growth over the next three years, and possess far greater confidence in the United States and in their companies than last year.
An increasing number of CEOs are getting more comfortable with rapid, technology-driven change, appreciating the value of disruption and the vast potential that accompanies it. In fact, six out of 10 CEOs now view technology as an opportunity, not a threat.
Nearly three quarters of CEOs surveyed say they are actively pursuing disruption in their own sectors, rather than waiting for competitors to do it. That’s a marked contrast from a year ago when two-thirds of CEOs in our 2016 survey admitted concern that their organizations were not disrupting business models in their industry.
Other key findings include:
- Speed to market ranks highest on the CEO’s list of strategic priorities, followed by digitizing business, becoming more data-driven, and building public trust.
- Cyber security investment is expected to increase as more see it as an opportunity to find new revenue streams and innovate.
- Trust, values and culture will be keys to future sustainability.
- Digital, data and sensory concerns exist. CEOs worry about effectively leveraging digital capabilities for customer connections, integrating cognitive and RPA technologies, and trusting the integrity of their data.
- While overall recruiting budgets are expected to be smaller, recruiting budgets seeking cognitive and risk specialist skills are increasing.
Read KPMG’s U.S. CEO Outlook 2017 for new CEO perspectives that indicate an uptick of positive trends emerging across a range of issues and industries.
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