Opportunities amid disruption

Opportunities amid disruption

Lynne Doughtie, U.S. Chairman and CEO



400 U.S. CEOs share their insights

We found that there are underlying concerns around emerging technologies. CEOs are questioning whether their organizations are ready to capture the opportunities out there… and whether they have the right talent in place to do it.

61% are concerned about integrating cognitive processes and artificial intelligence

Despite those concerns, we’re confident in our business prospects but are keeping a watchful eye.

46% are ‘highly confident’ about their growth prospects in the next three years

In the fast-paced environment, many of us are focused on culture and people. Our people are our largest and most important investment, so it’s critical that we invest their development and growth. 

81% believe their organization is placing greater importance on trust, values and culture in order to sustain its long-term future.

There’s never been a more exciting time to help our clients capture new opportunities and address their most significant challenges. How will the next three years impact your business?



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