Climate and Nature

Understand what climate and nature related risks mean for
your business and accelerate your plans for change.

Climate change and biodiversity loss require urgent action. Together they pose the next high impact, high probability risks facing your business and the world. But they also present an opportunity to be recognised as a leader among your peers.

Business operations are being impacted by the physical changes in our environment and in turn the way businesses operate as well as climate changes are contributing to biodiversity loss on our planet. Increasing regulation is reinforcing the urgency for change – including complying with the recommendations of the Taskforce on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and more recently the introduction of The Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD)

That’s only going to increase, with regulators looking to back up net zero and nature loss targets.

Boards were already under pressure from stakeholders – from employees to investors – to address environmental issues. The imperative to act is now even stronger. That’s making it critical that you fully understand the implications of climate and nature risks for your business.

Are you ready to navigate climate and nature related risks with confidence?


Transition Plans:
Moving beyond disclosure reporting

Taking action for a Net Zero world

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Speed Boat in water

Begoña Ramos

Partner | Climate Risk & Strategy KPMG in the UK

Begoña has more than 20 years of experience across the financial services consulting and banking industries in different European countries. During her time in Grupo Santander, she was the Head of Enterprise and Climate Change Risk. She led several transformational programs: RWA Optimization and Economic Capital Integration, Risk Appetite Statement & Framework Embedding and the European Central Bank Asset Quality Review. From 2018, she led Santander's efforts in embedding climate change risk, specifically she developed firm-wide climate risk framework and embedded it into risk management policies and processes. She also established a process to integrate climate into strategy & business planning. Acting as programme lead for the Bank of England Climate Change Stress Testing (CBES), she also chaired the Climate Change Stress Testing Steering Committee and reported on progress to Executive and Board Committees.

simon weaver

Simon Weaver

Partner | Global Head of ESG Strategy, Transformation and Implementation KPMG in the UK

Simon co-leads our Climate Risk & Strategy team – helping clients understand the physical and transition risks that they will face under various climate change scenarios, and the strategy they need to put in place to mitigate these risks as well as to take advantage of any opportunities arising. Simon also advises clients on the regulatory requirements of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).

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