Climate Risk is a business risk. Identifying how your organisation could be impacted by climate change is a board level priority. Understanding and reporting on the financial implications of climate change not only meets investor requirements but for all listed companies it’s a requirement under the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).

By undertaking climate scenario analysis using KPMG’s Climate IQ, looking at various levels of impact from future temperature outcomes, climate risks and potential opportunities can be quantified. Helping to secure investment for growth opportunities and significantly improving ESG reporting.

At KPMG our team of climate experts can help you answer these key climate risk challenges:

  • How do I meet the regulatory requirements for climate scenario analysis?
  • How do I build climate risk into my strategy?
  • How do I quantify the risks and opportunities to my business relating to climate change and decarbonisation?
  • How do I report the results of scenario analysis in a meaningful way for internal and external disclosure purposes?

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