Transitioning to Net Zero is a huge challenge but one that can provide countless opportunities for business. Our climate strategy team works with you to develop a holistic and strategic response through emissions target setting, developing decarbonisation pathways and identifying the transformational changes required to deliver a Net Zero vision.

Our approach

Emissions baseline: Understand the baseline emissions of your company and companies you invest in

Establishing Net Zero and decarbonisation ambitions: taking the emissions baselines, we help companies to understand the emissions reductions required to align with industry standards such as the Science-based Targets initiative, and set ambitions against market expectations

Developing climate transition plans: we can then help you develop transition plans which help meet decarbonisation ambitions. Identifying decarbonisation levers available to your business and preparation for transition plan disclosure requirements

Carbon markets: we can help you understand the opportunities in carbon markets, minimising financial risk exposure to emerging regulations including the Emissions Trading Schemes and Carbon Border Adjustments (CBAM). And identify opportunities in carbon offsetting and strategic investments to help you decarbonise over time

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