ACI Social Housing – 6 October 2023
Hear from industry experts on the hot topics that boards and non-executives need to consider. We welcome Yael Selfin, KPMG’s Chief Economist to provide an economics update with a particular focus on the housing sector. We are seeing the impact of higher interest rates across a range of asset classes, including housing. House prices are now falling in both real and nominal terms, while the volume of transactions has slowed markedly. The outlook for the property market will crucially depend on the evolution of the demand and supply alongside affordability considerations.
The Building Safety Act is one of the most significant changes to impact the construction industry for a generation. It introduces new accountabilities across the entire life-cycle of a project and has created an entirely new regulator (the Building Safety Regulator) to enforce it. The demands it will have include being more accountable for the assets you own, mandating the collection and issue of far more granular information about an asset and will impact the way buildings are approved and permitted to be built and occupied. Jenny White and Kevin Masters, will share some thoughts on the Act, provide an overall view of the impact on the sector and consider some of the questions that Boards should be asking of their exec teams.
Kathryn Mallett, will lead a session on tax risk in the social housing sector based on recent conversations with HMRC, legislation changes and the activity we see from our clients. This will include an update on fire safety costs, national minimum wage enquiries and how some international tax changes have the potential to impact the sector in a surprising way.
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