Fraud & Misconduct Diagnostic

Fraud & Misconduct Diagnostic

KPMG Forensic can assist organizations in understanding and addressing their organizations’ risks and vulnerability to fraud

Aaddressing organizations’ risks and vulnerability to fraud

KPMG Forensic can assist organizations in understanding and addressing their organizations’ risks and vulnerability to fraud, while helping them develop the skills they need to identify “red flag” that can help prevent fraud before it happens.

Fraud & Misconduct Diagnostic services assess how well an organization manages the risk of fraud and misconduct within a department, function, division or throughout the organization. By using a proprietary methodology, KPMG Forensic can assist organizations identify the specific fraud and misconduct risks they face. Fraud and Misconduct Diagnostic services also assess which aspects of the client’s business environment (such as the culture, ethics, management and reward structure) and processes increase vulnerability to fraud. The results of this analysis serve to advise our clients on systems to reduce the risk of fraud and other misconduct.

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