Zimbabwe Office

Zimbabwe Office

KPMG IDAS business unit.

KPMG IDAS business unit.

Hosted by the KPMG Zimbabwe firm, the IDAS Southern Africa hub has a small but dynamic team of professionals within KPMG Zimbabwe representing the IDAS business unit. Having handled clients like Australian Aid, DFID, the Embassy of Sweden, the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition GAIN) and the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the team provides contextual input to programmes whose operations touch Southern African countries.

The SA hub for example, managed the fund management operations of the Africa Enterprise Challenge fund. In southern Africa. It also run its own projects, for example in assisting SME businesses in Zambia with business planning and financial modelling for the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition. With three full time staff experienced in Development Finance, Fund Management, Banking, Private Equity, Research and Audit, the SA hub leverages the resources and experience of the IDAS office in East Africa in managing its portfolio. It also provides grant management and organisational assessments services for most Africa wide programmes run by the East Africa Hub.

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Programmes running in Southern African Hub