Kenya Office

Kenya Office

KPMG IDAS practice

KPMG IDAS practice

A member of KPMG Africa Limited and part of KPMG in East Africa. The firm’s involvement in Kenya goes back to 1949 when it operated as Angus, Lawrie and Jeremy. The IDAS practice was established in 2007. After three critical formative years domiciled in Johannesburg, South Africa, the practice moved to Nairobi in 2010 establishing it as the headquarter of the IDAS practice In Africa. It has since then served as a Centre of Excellence (CoE) and provided thought leadership to the rest of the continent in order to develop cutting-edge methodologies to support development aid.

The Kenya office located in Nairobi, serves as the regional co-ordinating office for KPMG IDAS, providing the required networking to facilitate delivery of services on a timely basis to meet and exceed clients’ expectations.

With more than 80 professionals, the Kenyan team is implementing some of the largest, most exciting and innovative development programmes in Africa, enhancing health systems and citizen well-being, facilitating energy innovation and adaptation to climate change, supporting agricultural transformation which is leading to the realization of sustainable development. Some of the projects which are being run from the Nairobi office include the Global resilience Partnership (GRP), the Maternal County Innovative Challenge Fund, the MasterCard Fund for Rural Prosperity, Global Fund South Sudan

© 2025 KPMG Advisory Services Limited, a Kenyan Limited Liability Company and a member firm ofthe KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG InternationalLimited, a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved. For more detail about the structure of the KPMG global organization please visit

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Programmes Currently running in Kenya