Building Resilience and Adaptation to Climate Extremes and Disasters (BRACED)

BRACED Programme

Building Resilience and Adaptation to Climate Extremes and Disasters (BRACED)


BRACED is a ground-breaking programme to build people’s resilience to climate extremes and disasters. Funded by the UK government, BRACED aims to help 5 million people in 13 countries in Africa and Asia namely Burkina Faso, Chad, Ethiopia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Senegal, Burma, Nepal, Kenya, South Sudan, Sudan and Uganda better cope with the changing climate. The project’s implementation is organized into components A, B, C and D.

As Fund Manager, we are responsible for overseeing the delivery of BRACED activities related to components A and B – the implementation of resilience building activities in Africa and Asia.

A Knowledge Manager is responsible for delivering component C – capturing and sharing the lessons learnt from components A and B, generating evidence and ensuring their uptake.

Component D, which aims to influence the policy space, is under design. Overall, the BRACED programme has delivered, and in some cases exceeded, the results expected in its second year. The programme benefited 2,295,827 people just in its first 24 months, trained 302,649 people to improve their knowledge and skills to adapt to, anticipate and absorb climate related shocks and stresses and increased capacity of 6135 local government, civil society and private sector actors to respond to climate related shocks and stresses.

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