Infrastructure is the foundation of civilization. Our transport, energy and digital networks form the cornerstones of economic growth. Our health, education, sports and recreational facilities invest in the fabric of society. KPMG, through its Global Infrastructure community, aims to enable a better future for everyone, everywhere.

And infrastructure is a global challenge. Today the world invests around $3 trillion in infrastructure each year, but as we strive to deliver the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals in developing markets, and upgrade the infrastructure of developed markets, that level of spend is expected to double or treble over the next 10 years.

KPMG’s Global Infrastructure network helps public and private sector organizations involved in infrastructure to deliver the outcomes you are seeking, whether for society or for your business, or both, as efficiently as effectively as possible. We thrive on helping solve the world’s biggest challenges.

Contact us to explore how we can work together to help connect the world, build prosperity, reduce poverty, and create sustainable quality of life.

Our local advisory team is experienced in developing related solutions that ensure the organization’s growth and success. From project, program, cost, and commercial management, to feasibility studies, market research and analysis, real estate support, and economic and development strategies.

Our infrastructure capabilities include:

  • Infrastructure 
  • Projects and structured finance
  • Major projects 
  • Cities 
  • Real estate