KPMG 2017/2018 Rwanda Budget Analysis

KPMG 2017/2018 Rwanda Budget Analysis

With a sustained economic growth rate averaging 7% over the past decade, and a projected growth rate of 6.2% in 2017 and 6.8% in 2018, the Rwandan economy has once again emerged among the top performers regionally and the wider sub-saharan Africa. Rwanda’s growth is largely underpinned by expansion in agriculture which is expected to grow at 4.6% in 2017, certainly good news after the decline in agricultural production following adverse weather conditions in 2016.


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KPMG 2017/2018 Rwanda Budget Analysis

The expected recovery of commodity and mineral prices is projected to hit 9.9% growth for the minerals sector in 2018. The construction sector, which is set to grow at 5.4% in 2017 is expected to almost double in 2018 to 10.5%, particularly given the construction works in Rwanda’s new airport at Bugesera and the government’s focus on other infrastructure projects in the medium term.


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