Tel Aviv ranked 3rd on KPMG’s 2020 list of Technology Innovation Hubs!

KPMG’s 2020 list of Technology Innovation Hubs

KPMG’s annual survey of global technology leaders reveals which cities, in addition to Silicon Valley/San Francisco, will be leading technology innovation hubs over the next four years.


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Technology Innovation Hubs

Technology Innovation hubs 2020

Leading innovation hubs | cities outpacing the competition

The 2020 Technology Innovation Hubs report includes perspectives from KPMG’s latest global Technology Industry Innovation Survey, now in its eighth year. More than 800 global technology industry leaders (54 percent C-suite) ranked the cities and countries that are leading innovation centers. The publication also outlines what technology company executives and venture capitalists should consider when selecting and investing in technology centers.


Top highlights
• Singapore, London, Tel Aviv, Tokyo, and New York were ranked as the leading technology innovation hubs outside Silicon Valley.

• Only 37 percent of global tech executives now think it’s likely that the technology innovation center of the world will move away from Silicon Valley in the next four years. Last year, 58 percent thought so.

• Survey respondents voted a modern infrastructure the most important factor to enable a city to become a technology innovation center, followed by an urban locale that attracts young professionals, the presence of at least one research university, and available investment funding.

• At the country level, India moved up in the rankings to tie China for second place as the country having the most promise for developing disruptive technologies. The U.S. remained number one and increased its lead compared to last year’s survey.

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