The Directors behaviour in a challenging economic environment
7 April 2016, 8:30AM - 1:00PM, IST Tel Aviv, Israel
The israeli directors forum of KPMG's set himself a goal to provide directors and audit committee members the best toolbox in order to make sure that they have the ability to ask the right questions, get the best decisions and minimize their exposure to risk. As part of the Forum's activities, in cooperation with the law office, Fischer Behar Chen Well Orion & CO, a conference was held, dealing with these days hot topics of economic, accounting and legal issues that arise during crises. We've discussed about tools which can help function better in such situations and where necessary, help operate correctly in front of the crisis and get through it. The conference was accompanied by professional, renowned experience speakers who shared their knowledge and enriched the discourse.
You are welcome to read the summary of the conference [Hebrew]
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