Doron Dabby

Head of Audit

KPMG in Israel

Doron is a member of the Executive Committee of Somekh Chaikin, and is responsible for the Audit Practice of the firm. Doron has a vast experience in financial advisory, including due diligence and company valuations. Doron is experienced in the audit of public companies (mainly banks), investments and the energy sector. Doron is a former member of the Bank of Israel’s prestigious Liaison Committee and of the Israel Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Doron is a permanent member of the Israeli Accounting Standards Board (IASB). In addition, Doron is a lecturer at the faculties of Management and Economics of the Tel Aviv University.

  • Executive MBA, joint MBA program of the Kellog Business School at Tel Aviv University

  • BA, Economics and Accounting, Tel Aviv University – cum laude
