Global Automotive Executive Survey 2020
Global Automotive Executive Survey 2020
Say goodbye to one global market - recognize increasing localization, accelerated by COVID-19
"There simply is not one global answer – create your own analyses on our completely new and only recently released interactive online platform! We have to say goodbye to one global market and recognize increasing localization, accelerated by COVID-19.“
This year, our 21st consecutive Global Automotive Executive Survey once again received a completely new look and since June 5 our interactive online platform has been made available to you. Here, you can not only take a closer look at our different topics – including extensive COVID-19 industry insights – but also use our dashboards to choose from over two million different points of view. This allows you to create individual analyses tailored to your interests and find answers to questions that perhaps even we haven’t yet thought of.
Extract of some key results:
- Industry politics: 83% of execs agree that regulators and industry policies are driving technological agendas – - subsidy strategies and tax breaks will become even more essential in a post COVID-19 world.
- COVID-19: People will move away from public transport and may be willing to spend more money to feel safe. In China, for example, we have already seen an increase in demand in the high-end and low-end passenger vehicle segments due to the panic-like fear of disease.
- Regional shifts: 76% of executives agree that by 2030 less than 5% of global car production will occur in Western Europe - a 9% increase since last year. This is likely to even further increase due to COVID-19’s greater impact on the automotive industry in Western Europe.
- Future of combustion: multiple drivetrain technologies will co-exist alongside each other – global execs believe in a fairly even split of BEVs (30 %), Hybrids (25 %), FCEVs (23 %) and ICEs (23 %) by 2040. For the first time in the history of our survey, execs think that already by 2030 the largest share of vehicles will not be powered by an ICE.
- Customer centricity: Customer mobility decisions will be driven by data privacy & security, TCO, and a seamless and hassle-free mobility experience.
- Co-ompetition: Post COVID-19 consolidation: Due to tough post-COVID-19 market conditions and even greater complexity in the automotive industry, with huge investments, and especially customer-oriented services evolving at record-breaking speed, this new survey continues to report what it has for years: It is a misconception that traditional mobility players can act alone and still cover the entire value chain single-handedly.
How can I access the survey?
GAES 2020 link:
Download PDF
Click here to Download Global Automotive Executive Survey 2020
Please note: The full executive summary based on first usage statistics of the website will follow in mid-July.
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