At KPMG, the recognition of social concerns and the need to address them through sustainable practices, mark our responsibility as citizens. With mutual respect, dignity and dedication, we support the local community by transmuting the values of our company into individual and group actions, which focus on volunteerism and social contribution. We learn to respond to urgent situations for humanity, and we carry out initiatives to promote equality and social inclusion of vulnerable groups, with the scope of fulfilling the 1st & 2nd UN Sustainable Development Goals, about fighting poverty and eradicating hunger.

All together and individually, guided by the pillar "prosperity" of "Our Impact Plan", we learn to give back to the community and invest in a future that will bring happiness to the next generations.

Run for a good cause

1) Authentic Marathon of Athens

Every year since 2010, KPMG participates in the Authentic Athens Marathon supporting ELEPAP and other organizations and sends a message of solidarity and love for human beings.

2) Race for the Cure

KPMG contributes to the fight against breast cancer through its employees’ participation in the Symbolic Race "Greece Race for the Cure®" of the "Alma Zois" Association.

kpmg greece marathon elepap
csr environment

Actions of support for ELEPAP

After a long-term collaboration between KPMG and ELEPAP, we show our support to the organization’s work, through multiple initiatives. During Christmas and Easter period, we support ELEPAP by organizing a Bazaar at the company's offices and providing some space at KPMG’s conferences in order to promote their work.

group photo of kpmg employees at the elepap easter bazaar
group photo of kpmg employees at the elepap christmas bazaar

Cook for Good

Every year since 2017, KPMG’s employees cook meals for a good cause. Under the guidance of a famous chef, they cook and pack portions of food for the people in need.

csr cook for good
csr cook for good


Its aim is to raise awareness about the phenomenon of ageism in the business community and society in general, through specific actions that will create conditions of equal opportunities for employees, regardless of their age. The AdvantAge initiative is implemented in collaboration with the Greek People Management Association (GPMA) and with the support of the American College of Greece.

Read more about the AdvantAge Initiative

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kpmg greece advantage initiative image
kpmg greece advantage initiative image
kpmg greece advantage initiative image