AdvantAge Initiative presentation

KPMG in Greece has launched the "AdvantAge" initiative in collaboration with the Human Resources Management Association of Greece (GPMA) and with the support of the American College of Greece and aims to raise awareness on the phenomenon of age discrimination (ageism) in the business community and society at large, through actions that will create conditions of equal opportunities for workers regardless of age.

Conducting research on mature age groups

Mature age workers (mainly over 50) often face challenges in their reintegration into the labor market. The phenomenon of age discrimination constitutes a real obstacle for many people, by depriving them the possibility of personal and professional development as well as the access to employment opportunities, while at the same time, companies experience a significant shortage of specialized personnel.

To address this challenge, we investigated the labor market in Greece through two separate surveys, with complementary and comparable questions, to employers and then to employees. 

Contradictory findings, common components

The surveys revealed contradictory results between employers and employees. In particular, some important findings mention:

  • 77% of employers claim that no incidents of age discrimination have been observed, while 62% of employees have observed relevant incidents
  • 41% of employers have rejected workers in the first stage of selection because of mature age
  • 41% of employees over 50 years old, do not accept the trainings organized in their workplace
  • 86% of employers claim that no additional training is provided to mature workers
  • 81% of employers argue that mature age is not a criterion for leaving
  • 89% of workers respond that they are not offered help to get prepared for the retirement process 

Recommended actions arising from the surveys

  • Reskilling and upskilling
  • Trainings and opportunities regardless of age
  • Social Responsibility actions through which the inclusion of mature age groups will be strengthened
  • Creation of organizations offering support to workers over 50 years old
  • Financial incentives for businesses to hire & retain executives over 45 years old
  • Creation of job positions for experienced workers

The success of the AdvantAge Initiative: towards a fairer and more equal society

The added value of the AdvantAge Initiative is not limited only to the business community but is extended throughout society. It’s a step towards a fairer and more equal society. With everyone's support, we can create a more inclusive workplace where we can all enjoy the added value offered by every age group, contributing to phenomenon’s limitation.

dimitra spanou

Dimitra Spanou

Manager, People Services,

KPMG in Greece