The 5G edge computing value opportunity

The 5G edge computing value opportunity

5G was one of the most exciting prospects as we entered 2020, but the world has now changed forever. COVID-19 has delivered a terrible blow causing loss, pain and heartache, and an economic downturn. An indisputable fact is that the need for organizations to be digital has never been greater, and 5G along with edge computing will likely play a key role in the global economic recovery.


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Partner and Head of Advisory

KPMG in Ghana

The 5G edge computing value opportunity

The Issue

The Issue

5G was one of the most exciting prospects as we entered 2020, but the world has now changed forever. COVID-19 has delivered a terrible blow causing loss, pain and heartache, and an economic downturn. An indisputable fact is that the need for organizations to be digital has never been greater, and 5G along with edge computing will likely play a key role in the global economic recovery.

Across all industries, our clients are telling us about the imperative to accelerate their digital transformation. Prior to COVID-19, digital had momentum – everyone could see the potential. Now the need is greater, perhaps even one of survival. Connectivity plays a vital role in the evolution of digital, and this has been seen in both fixed and wireless over the last decade. While the 5G business case was strong before, it’s even stronger now.

The Enterprise value

The deployment of 5G technology can help companies solve business challenges, reshape value chains, enhance revenue models, and optimize operations across many industries. At Mobile World Congress 2019 KPMG International presented its research from Unlocking the benefits of 5G for enterprise customers. Our messages were clear and simple: – The business case for 5G is far stronger in B2B than in B2C, with US$4.3 trillion of upside identified – Consumers won’t pay enough incrementally for 5G to cover the cost of the new networks (like we saw in 3G and 4G), therefore telcos should focus their attention on B2B – The global trajectory for roll-outs will be gradual through the twenties, with private networks going first, followed by cities and then some nationwide coverage – KPMG analysis by sector showed that those industries that are most geographically centralized will benefit from 5G first (e.g. manufacturing)

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