KPMG Ghana Update on COVID-19

KPMG Ghana Update on COVID-19

Dear Cherished Client, Since the start of the coronavirus outbreak (COVID-19), KPMG has been closely monitoring the situation with the health and safety of our people, clients and visitors being our top priority. We have acted in accordance with all government advice and implemented a range of precautionary measures to ensure the safety of all. The World Health Organisation (WHO), has declared the rapidly spreading coronavirus outbreak a pandemic (a controllable pandemic), acknowledging that the virus will likely spread to all countries on the globe. This raises concern and calls for collective action to limit the number of cases, slow, and ultimately stop the spread of the virus.


Six (6) people have tested positive for the Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Ghana as at 14 March 2020 after testing nearly 100 suspected cases – all the six infected persons have been to countries with confirmed cases of the disease and are receiving treatment under isolated conditions. The government has assured Ghanaians that it is working assiduously to ensure the situation is contained.

In addition to the human impact of the virus, there is also a significant commercial impact being felt globally. In fact, 94 percent of the Fortune 1000 companies are already seeing COVID-19 disruptions.

Out of an abundance of caution, we are contacting you to share some insights on how we can all take precautionary measures to protect our people and businesses. Immediate actions will: 

  • Safeguard people and customers, 
  • Assess supplier risk,
  • Manage working capital & business plans.

Click here to access the immediate actions needed to assess your organisation's exposure to Corona Virus.

Also access this site to get more insights on how to position your business to be resilient in the face of this global threat in the short and medium terms should the situation persist for a longer period. The site contains immediate, mid and long-term actions, Tax & Legal considerations as well as Financial Reporting & Audit considerations.

We will continue to monitor the situation and adapt our guidance on the recommendations from government health agencies, namely the World Health Organization, Ghana Health Service, US and the EU Centers for Disease Control. We will also endeavour to share insights with you to reinforce your risk management plan.

It is important to note that this is a rapidly evolving situation and we therefore urge you to take the necessary caution to remain safe in these challenging times. 

We value your safety and wish you well. We are open to listening to your concerns and offer you the needed advice – contact us on 




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