Global CEO outlook 2019
Global CEO outlook 2019
One of the most compelling findings in this year’s Global CEO Outlook is that over two-thirds of chief executive officers believe that agility is the new currency of business.
The Issue
A successful CEO is an agile CEO. One of the most compelling findings in this year’s Global CEO Outlook is that over two-thirds of chief executive officers believe that agility is the new currency of business. If they fail to adapt to a constantly changing world, their business will become irrelevant. This is a stark choice. This focus on agility is also redefining what we mean by resilience. In the past, it was about battening down the hatches in the face of short-term headwinds. Organizations looked to defend their positions and use scale to maintain competitive advantage. The social, economic and technological headwinds we have seen emerge in recent years are no longer short term. While CEOs continue to see exciting growth opportunities, they are set against a complex, volatile and increasingly uncertain environment. To be resilient, organizations need to be comfortable disrupting their business models if they want to continue to grow. This is what we mean by being agile. In this, our fifth annual Global CEO Outlook, we spoke to 1,300 CEOs in some of the world’s largest organizations to discuss how they are confronting long-held market orthodoxies and assumptions that govern decision-making. We would like to thank all the CEOs who gave their time and spoke so freely about the opportunities and challenges they face. As I meet with CEOs, I am struck by the passion, enthusiasm and belief they have in the future of their organizations. We hope that this report brings you insights, ideas and different perspectives from around the world. If you would like to talk about any of the issues in this year’s Global CEO Outlook, we would welcome the opportunity to do so.
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