About this report

In the 2023 financial year, we will continue to align our sustainability reporting with Our Impact Plan, the global sustainability programme of KPMG International. Our Impact Plan is made up of four areas of action: Governance, People, Planet and Prosperity1. In each of these areas, we have made commitments to drive forward our contribution to sustainable development in society. In our Our Impact Report, we report annually on our activities and measures along our four areas of action, thereby creating transparency about our sustainability activities.

1 As part of a revision, the four fields of action of Our Impact Plan were reorganised in April 2022 and some of the topics were reassigned. No significant changes were made to the content.

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Basis for reporting

The standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the "Principles of Stakeholder Capitalism" of the World Economic Forum (WEF IBC Metrics) are used to prepare our sustainability report. The information in the Our Impact Report 2023 is also based for the first time on the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) as finalised by EFRAG in July 2023. Further information on these standards can be found in the index of the Our Impact Report.

The information and data in this year's report was collected by our specialist departments and business units using representative methods and carefully quality-assured. The Our Impact Report has not been externally audited.

This report covers the period from 1 October 2022 to 30 September 2023. In order to provide an up-to-date presentation of KPMG's sustainability activities, it also includes activities that extend beyond the 2023 financial year and were available up to the editorial deadline (15 March 2024).

The information and employee-related key figures in this report are based on the HGB consolidated financial statements of KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft including its three fully consolidated domestic Group companies as at 30 September 2023. Further key figures and information on the measures and activities that KPMG has undertaken in the above-mentioned areas of action can be found at the end of each chapter.

Outlook: future ESG regulation

The requirements and regulations for non-financial reporting by companies in the EU are currently being significantly expanded. The CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive) adopted by the European Parliament and Council in November 2022 provides for far-reaching changes to the scope and type of sustainability reporting - for large capital market-oriented companies from the 2024 financial year and for all other large companies from the 2025 financial year. In the summer of 2023, the EU Commission published the delegated regulation for the adoption of the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) into applicable law on 31 July 2023.

For KPMG as a non-capital-market-oriented large company, reporting in accordance with the CSRD will therefore be mandatory for the first time in the 2025 / 26 financial year. We are already making intensive preparations for this. As a first step, we carried out a materiality analysis for KPMG in the 2023 financial year in accordance with the principle of dual materiality. In addition, we have set up a cross-divisional project to enable future CSRD-compliant reporting through automated processes and the establishment of a corresponding reporting system. We have also already included some of the disclosures required in future along the ESRS in this year's report.

Further information on the materiality analysis along the CSRD requirements at KPMG can be found in the section on Key areas of action.

Key fields of action

Along the four areas of action Governance, People, Planet and Prosperity of the KPMG sustainability programme Our Impact Plan, we have defined eleven topics that are material for our stakeholders and for us as a company. We place a particular focus on these topics and implement measures, the progress of which we report on annually in the Our Impact Report. In this way, we make it clear how we, as a large company, want to make our contribution to sustainable development in society.

As part of our annual materiality analysis, we identify potential changes and developments in our impact as a company on the economy, the environment and people, including the impact on human rights. The result of this year's analysis is the continued relevance and continuation of the existing material topics (see below for further information).

The basis for our analysis is a comprehensive evaluation by KPMG International. This was also conducted in 2023, taking into account recent geopolitical events, stakeholder changes at a global level and current business developments, as well as new data and insights. This data includes:

Data from an independent Trust Survey conducted annually in KPMG Global's eight largest markets (Australia, Canada, China, France, Germany, Japan, the UK and the US), including the views of executives, broader stakeholders (industry and trade associations, academics, non-governmental organisations, multilateral organisations, business analyst:s, investors) and the informed public.

  • Data from the Employee Engagement Index and the Employee Trust Drivers from the Global People Survey.
  • Our most important business risks, which were collected using our proprietary dynamic risk assessment methodology.

We have carefully validated this global evaluation for our national topics and adapted or supplemented it accordingly.

In addition, we conducted a materiality analysis for KPMG in the 2023 financial year as part of the preparations for the future ESG regulation (CSRD) in accordance with the principle of dual materiality (impact materiality and financial materiality). All individual topics were assessed on the basis of two dimensions: the impact of each topic on the environment, employees and society (impact materiality perspective) and the business relevance (financial materiality perspective). In doing so, we orientated ourselves on the requirements of the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) on which the CSRD is based. Our preliminary assessment is that our existing topics continue to represent the material sustainability aspects for us, even taking into account the principle of dual materiality. An overview of this analysis can be found at the end of this chapter.

The following overview also summarises how we continuously interact with our stakeholders and take their interests into account:

Chart (in German only)

The following overview presents our material topics based on Our Impact Plan, their preliminary categorisation into ESRS (sub)topics and the result of our initial assessment according to the principle of double materiality.

Chart (in German only)

About KPMG

KPMG is a member of the global KPMG organisation of independent member firms with around 273,000 employees in 143 countries and territories. We are one of the leading audit and advisory firms both in Germany and worldwide. In Germany, we employ around 14,000 people who are on site for our clients at 27 locations. We provide services in four business areas: Audit, Tax, Consulting and Deal Advisory. Audit stands for the auditing of consolidated and annual financial statements, while Tax refers to KPMG's tax advisory activities. In the Consulting and Deal Advisory fields, we provide our clients with KPMG's high level of expertise in business, regulatory and transaction-orientated topics. We have also specialised in important sectors of the economy that require cross-divisional expertise. Our experts in Germany and around the world pool their experience to further improve the quality of our advice.

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Purposeful Business

As a large company, we are aware of our responsibility to help shape a sustainable future and want to contribute to tackling the critical challenges facing our society and environment. For us, ESG is the common thread that runs throughout KPMG. We empower our people to drive purposeful change, leverage our global talent to support our clients and apply best practice across the organisation. In doing so, we aim to lead by example and use our learnings to support our clients on their own ESG journey. As a global accounting and advisory firm, we see a significant impact for sustainable development in our services. We support our clients with our ESG services in the further development of sustainable business and operating models as well as compliance with new ESG regulatory and disclosure standards.

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