
Highlights from the 2023 financial year

4-hour exemption

  • A month for charitable commitment

1st place at the Trendence Awards

  • in the category "Companies help people"

9,417 volunteering hours

  • in the 2023 financial year

1.8 million euros

  • for donations
We are committed to sustainable and ethical behaviour and assume social responsibility. We have a long tradition of doing this. Our aim is to harmonise economic success with social and ecological requirements and to promote social commitment so that we can face the issues of our time together.
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A central component of our corporate culture is therefore a diverse social commitment that is supported by our employees. With their personal commitment, they can contribute to a positive impact on society. We promote this commitment through various programmes that give our colleagues the opportunity to play an active role in society and make a positive contribution - in line with our value For Better. We do what really matters.

Further information can be found here.

International goal: 10by30

The global KPMG organisation has set itself the goal of economically empowering ten million young disadvantaged people through education, employment and entrepreneurship by 2030. This is to be achieved through collaborations and social engagement programmes with a focus on lifelong learning at KPMG worldwide. In this way, we want to contribute to effective positive change in society and use our expertise to achieve this. As KPMG in Germany, we have developed long-established engagement programmes that are already making an effective contribution to society. We also pass this expertise on to other member companies, from which they also benefit and also contribute to the global 10by30 target.

I make a difference

Social commitment has been a part of my life for a very long time. In earlier years, I myself was given many valuable opportunities for my personal and professional development. This is something I would like to give back. And KPMG supports me in this.

Social commitment

We recognise our social responsibility. With our social commitment, we want to make a positive contribution to our society.

Im Rahmen unseres gesellschaftlichen Engagements setzen wir uns für unternehmerische Verantwortung ein und haben Programme und Initiativen ins Leben gerufen, die sich auf die Themen „Chancengerechte und hochwertige Bildung“ sowie „Lebenslanges Lernen“ konzentrieren. Das persönliche Engagement unserer Mitarbeitenden ist ein zentrales Element unseres Nachhaltigkeitskonzepts und wird durch eine Freistellung besonders geschätzt und gefördert. Wir möchten gemeinsam mit unseren Mitarbeitenden einen positiven Beitrag für unsere Gemeinschaft leisten und setzen uns dafür ein, insbesondere junge Menschen zu fördern und ihnen dabei zu helfen, ihre Potenziale zu entfalten.

We have won! KPMG takes 1st place at the Trendence Awards in the category "Companies help people"

KPMG was awarded first place in the "Companies Helping People" category for its pro bono consulting at the 2023 Trendence Awards organised by the independent consulting and market research company Trendence Institut GmbH.
With our pro bono consulting, we enable employees to support non-profit organisations with their professional expertise in current challenges and gain valuable insights into the work of these organisations.

This recognition in the form of first place in the Trendence Awards recognises the commitment of our colleagues and shows how we as a company make a positive contribution to society. A big thank you goes to all our colleagues who are involved in these projects.

How we make a positive contribution to our society

Four-hour commitment

The framework for our social commitment is our 4-hour leave of absence. This allows our employees to take up to four hours a month off for their charitable work. This is possible both for specially selected charitable organisations and for volunteering programmes that KPMG itself promotes and supports. An overview of these programmes can be found below.

Chart (in German only)

There are no fixed rules in mentoring - every mentoring process is unique and all mentees have their own personal story. This diversity enriches us, both on a personal and cultural level. Thanks to our collaboration with the JOBLINGE initiative, we not only contribute to positively influencing our society, but also gain valuable insights into the lives of our mentees. Mentoring gives us pleasure and fulfilment, as it offers us the opportunity to help other people on their way.

Marcel Rösch and Patrick Rösch Assistant Managers

I am looking forward to contributing to sustainable education by staying updated with technological advancements and filling the gap between education and job market needs through training and finding the right mentor. A mentor helps individuals visualize their potential and believe in their abilities while providing a supportive and encouraging environment.

Alaa Alhabar Volunteer Vision Mentee

Pro bono support for people with dementia

The Deutsche Alzheimer Gesellschaft e. V. Selbsthilfe Demenz (DAlzG) is passionate and committed to improving the quality of life of people with dementia and their relatives. As a federal association, the organisation plays an important role in supporting those affected and their relatives, educating the public and representing political interests.

Until now, political advocacy was primarily carried out by the management and the board. As the associated activities, such as expanding and maintaining networks, analysing political developments and proposed legislation in the field of dementia and developing political positions and demands, require a great deal of time and effort, the organisation decided to hire a specialist for this purpose.

As part of this pro bono project, KPMG worked closely with the German Alzheimer Society to develop the job profile for this new position. The project work included discussions with those responsible, research into comparable positions and the identification of relevant competences.

This cooperation supported the German Alzheimer Society in pursuing its mission of creating a dementia-friendly society even more efficiently. It emphasises the transformative power of community engagement and illustrates how pro bono services from companies like KPMG can help address key social challenges.

More equal opportunities and education for children

KinderHelden gGmbH is committed every day to helping children with challenging starting conditions and promoting educational equality in Germany. Their 1:1 mentoring project connects children with volunteers who support them on their educational journey. At KPMG, we firmly believe that early support is particularly effective. The volunteers share this vision and invest their time, energy and experience to help the children.

In order to realise the vision of educational equity, the organisation faced strategic challenges. It was looking for support in scaling and further digitalising its projects. One focus was on supporting significantly more children without increasing staff resources while maintaining the same level of quality. Counselling volunteers and children requires considerable effort, and recruiting new volunteers is time-consuming.

As part of the pro bono advisory service, experts from the areas of deal advisory and consulting contributed their expertise to support the non-profit organisation KinderHelden. Together with KinderHelden, our employees analysed existing business processes, identified potential for improvement and rethought the business model in a design thinking workshop. This resulted in the new digital mentoring service "Fit for Five", which the non-profit organisation is now implementing.

The dedication of our employees demonstrates our commitment to the community and our determination to help non-profit organisations succeed in their missions.

Chart (in German only)

Further information can be found here.

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