Artificial Intelligence, or AI, is transforming how organisations do business. But getting the most from this new technology is about combining human expertise with the speed and efficiency of generative artificial intelligence models. It can take time to upskill your workforce, so it’s important to know where to start with AI and where you’re going with it.

Generative AI solutions for business

Building generative Artificial intelligence (AI) into your organisation’s strategy is now an important consideration for every business leader. AI has the potential to transform organisations through automating and executing certain tasks with unprecedented speed and efficiency. But organisations need to determine how to embrace AI safely.

When starting out, we recommend you ask yourself these three crucial questions:

  • What are the different types of generative AI that I can use, and how will they benefit my business?
  • Can AI impact my organisation and link with the business values?
  • What risks might AI bring, and how will I deal with them?

What makes cloud transformations complex? Poor data and the scale of legacy systems.

Ledger migrations: how we helped a client move from legacy to the cloud.

Use of generative AI in business

When using generative AI in your organisation, make sure you are advancing with the transformation opportunities that it can bring, while being mindful of the risks associated with AI.

We have a successful track record of helping businesses integrate technology into their operations, including developing generative AI integration and adoption plans. Our technology teams can provide expertise and support to help you get value from generative AI quickly, build out test cases, and enhance digital learning across your organisation. Ultimately, we believe in learning with our clients to provide customised solutions that meet the unique needs of you and your business.

Content generators

Content generators are AI engines that use machine learning technology to produce text-based content. Teams producing a lot of copy, such as sales, marketing, or human resources can benefit from this type of artificial intelligence.

However, it’s important to have clear guidelines on how it is used, as fact-checking may be unreliable, and using external tools for confidential information may be a security risk. Therefore, training must be conducted with this type of AI tool.

Examples of content generation include:

  • Article writing
  • Sales pitches tailored to the sector
  • Job descriptions

Information extractors

Information extractors can assist users in extracting information or data. From PDF text documents to websites and databases, or even imagery, this artificial intelligence tool is designed to help speed up the searching process. All that is needed is a specific piece of information on a certain topic.

This could be a powerful tool to save time and increase accuracy for data analysts, lawyers, or consultants to help locate specific information on a topic they are reviewing. If you are considering this as a tool for your employees, be clear on your needs to pick the right one.

Smart chatbots

Smart chatbots are incredibly helpful for organisations with frontline customer services. Some benefits include being able to take payments, check refund statuses or simply responding to multiple queries at once.

These smart chatbots are well developed and trusted by consumers, so are a good option to support your customer service team. With the frontline service well covered, it allows your employees to focus on the more complex concerns of your consumers, providing a more tailored and valuable experience for your consumers.

Types of smart AI chatbots can include:

  • Any kind of messaging platforms, such as instant messaging platforms or social media
  • Your owned websites and apps
  • Telephone calls

Language translators

Language translators can be a great option for any organisation needing help with translating the exact tone, meaning and context of any information, be it speech or text. These AI tools use machine learning and specialised processing techniques to perfectly translate instantly, allowing for trustworthy results not subject to human interpretation error.

This new technology is especially helpful for organisations looking to translate large volumes of information, who work with international clients, or to help teach employees a new language.

Code generator

Code generation AI can help your employees who specialise in code make faster developments in their work. With the ability to support developers in debugging, testing and documenting code, as well as speeding up the editing and writing of it, this could act as an incredible tool to help respond to time-sensitive projects, allowing time for your developers to go the extra mile in key areas like design.

Considerations for implementing AI into your organisation

Of course, it’s not as simple as just turning on an AI solution in a complex organisation, there will be many considerations from connecting often fragmented data to concerns over risk and governance. Some of the key areas to think about are:

Data access

Artificial intelligence can connect data sources that may have been unintentionally siloed, or otherwise disconnected, to create a holistic knowledge bank for your review.

This may be a significant advantage for within your organisation if you are facing issues in disconnection between teams and departments. Embedding this kind of AI will also enable valuable insights into future generative AI use.

Skills and training

It is important to train and upskill your workforce on how to use AI correctly and responsibly. This will help ensure you gain the most success from your AI investments.

Building on your staff’s skills will help them make the most of AI to enhance their working efficiency.. The generative AI tools you encourage them to use should help with the time-consuming tasks, so they can focus their time on more big-picture projects.

Risk management

AI comes with new technology risks. That means you’ll need to establish new risk mitigation control frameworks. These frameworks should manage the potential risks around issues such as: IP loss, data accuracy and security, and ethical AI usage.

Planning ahead

Planning how you will develop, engage, and adopt generative AI at a realistic and sustainable pace is crucial to stay ahead of competitors.

Make sure to focus your plans on how you expect your business to look in the next 5 years, and how AI can play a part in helping you reach your goals. You can use our Global Technology Report to discover what organisations globally are focusing on when it comes to technology, which may help guide your planning.

AI impact on business

Generative AI offers huge potential when applied to different areas of your organisations. Integrating AI into your technology portfolio can offer improved efficiency, greater quality insights, and evolving new opportunities, This new era of AI will change the way we do business and should result in more competitive and prosperous outcomes when used with best practice guidelines.

Our main focus points for benefits from generative AI include:

Automating tasks

One benefit of implementing AI tools is improved efficiency in the workplace. Automating tasks with AI may include:

  • Improved customer experiences with AI chatbots
  • Reduced time for data entry and processing
  • Help find what you need faster, such as email filtering and categorisation
  • Social media monitoring and engagement
  • Forecasting sales with consideration of many variable factors

By automating daily tasks that otherwise may take a lot of time, your employees are able to focus on the more important tasks at hand.

Reduction of costs

Another important benefit is the reduction of costs. Your savings could come from some of the following examples:

  • With AI inventory management, you can reduce overstocking costs or stockouts
  • AI systems can contribute to lower energy consumption
  • Intelligent predictive maintenance systems can reduce equipment downtime and repair costs

You may also consider the return on investment of AI as a reduction of costs, as the expensive old tech that may need regular review and upkeep will no longer be necessary.

Increased revenue

You may also see an increase in your revenues over time with the adoption of AI tools.

You may expect to see revenue increases from:

  • Better customer journey from customer service to checkout
  • Increased sales with marketing and sales AI tools
  • New insights generated by AI to help with timely product or service launches

Get in touch about artificial intelligence

Reach out to us when you’re ready to take the leap into artificial intelligence adoption. We’ll talk you through what tools may work best for you, explain how it can accelerate your successes and how you can grow with the tools.

Connect with us

Save, Curate and Share

Save what resonates, curate a library of information, and share content with your network of contacts.

Related Insights

Avoid the risks of AI and grab hold of the business transformation opportunities that AI can bring by following our four key areas to focus on when preparing for the use of generative AI: Data access Connect and access previously unconnected data sources to create a proprietary knowledge bank. Doing so will enable valuable insights into future generative AI use. Skills and training Upskilling staff is essential to ensure they can make best use of AI tools. Think about how you will talk to staff about opportunities of generative AI and how to leverage the existing skills within your organisation Risk management Establish mitigation control frameworks to manage risks around issues like IP loss, data accuracy and security, as well as ethical usage. Planning ahead Planning how to develop, engage, and adopt generative AI at pace is crucial to stay ahead of the competition. We have a successful track record of helping businesses integrate technology into their operations, including developing generative AI integration and adoption plans. Our technology teams can provide expertise and support to help you get value from generative AI quickly, build out test cases, and enhance digital learning across your organisation. Ultimately, we believe in learning with our clients to provide customised solutions that meet the unique needs of you and your business.
Avoid the risks of AI and grab hold of the business transformation opportunities that AI can bring by following our four key areas to focus on when preparing for the use of generative AI: Data access Connect and access previously unconnected data sources to create a proprietary knowledge bank. Doing so will enable valuable insights into future generative AI use. Skills and training Upskilling staff is essential to ensure they can make best use of AI tools. Think about how you will talk to staff about opportunities of generative AI and how to leverage the existing skills within your organisation Risk management Establish mitigation control frameworks to manage risks around issues like IP loss, data accuracy and security, as well as ethical usage. Planning ahead Planning how to develop, engage, and adopt generative AI at pace is crucial to stay ahead of the competition. We have a successful track record of helping businesses integrate technology into their operations, including developing generative AI integration and adoption plans. Our technology teams can provide expertise and support to help you get value from generative AI quickly, build out test cases, and enhance digital learning across your organisation. Ultimately, we believe in learning with our clients to provide customised solutions that meet the unique needs of you and your business.
Avoid the risks of AI and grab hold of the business transformation opportunities that AI can bring by following our four key areas to focus on when preparing for the use of generative AI: Data access Connect and access previously unconnected data sources to create a proprietary knowledge bank. Doing so will enable valuable insights into future generative AI use. Skills and training Upskilling staff is essential to ensure they can make best use of AI tools. Think about how you will talk to staff about opportunities of generative AI and how to leverage the existing skills within your organisation Risk management Establish mitigation control frameworks to manage risks around issues like IP loss, data accuracy and security, as well as ethical usage. Planning ahead Planning how to develop, engage, and adopt generative AI at pace is crucial to stay ahead of the competition. We have a successful track record of helping businesses integrate technology into their operations, including developing generative AI integration and adoption plans. Our technology teams can provide expertise and support to help you get value from generative AI quickly, build out test cases, and enhance digital learning across your organisation. Ultimately, we believe in learning with our clients to provide customised solutions that meet the unique needs of you and your business.

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