Should employers sidestep or embrace job-hoppers?

Should employers sidestep or embrace job-hoppers?

Job hopping can be defined as a pattern of changing employer every year or two out of one’s own violation rather than as a result of something like a layoff or company closure. Job hopping trend has become the new norm in today’s workplace that has left recruitment managers wondering whether to avoid or embrace job-hoppers.

Should employers sidestep or embrace job-hoppers?

Some hiring managers across various industries are concerned about the high rate of job hopping and there is a debate on what can be done to stop this trend. Several employment surveys have shown that this trend has gathered momentum over the years, with each generation hopping more than the one before it. For instance a survey conducted in 2016 by a leading South African staffing and recruitment company, Kelly showed that up to 44% of survey respondents have held between two and three jobs since entering the workforce. A further 29% have held between four and six jobs. Another survey conducted by Brighter Monday and Trends & Insights For Africa in 2017 showed that, 80% of the employed job seekers intend to leave their job within the next one year, against a 5% minority who intend to stay on their jobs.

But why are people job hopping? Some young employees especially millenials view job hopping as a great career move since it is an opportunity to grow their career, attract a higher salary, change locations or find a better cultural fit.

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