- Develop Kai Tak Sports Park into a Sports and Mega Event Landmark by 2025 and make full use of the venue for large-scale international sports competitions and cultural activities
- Enhance the development of elite athletes and coaches by reviewing the mechanism of direct financial support for athletes
- Develop sports medicine and sports science, and promote the Sports Science and Research Funding Scheme
- Boost sports promotion in the community by providing more sports and recreational facilities
- Brand Hong Kong as a host city in the sports industry by using the Kai Tak Sports Park and other existing venues to build audiences
- Incubate a greater number of cultural and creative projects through CreateSmart Initiatives
- Encourage increased registration of local and non-local cultural creative products on the Asia IP Exchange Portal
- Develop the Hong Kong Fashion Design Week as a signature annual event
- Strengthen the art trading system in the West Kowloon Cultural Districts by building storage, restoration and exhibition facilities
- Secure the hosting of more international cultural, creative and commercial events in the West Kowloon Cultural District with the advancement of infrastructural capabilities
- Develop Eco-tourism with itineraries related to the countryside and coastal routes
- Encourage sectors to implement a friendly environment for visitors from the Middle East and ASEAN, including providing information at the airport in Arabic
- Promote tourism with characteristics, such as yacht tourism, panda tourism, horse racing tourism, mega-event tourism
- Adopt technologies such as AI to provide one-stop assistance and attraction recommendations
- Develop new tourist hotspots with high popularity and strong appeal, and new sites for event spaces
- Cancel the requirement for visitors to furnish an arrival or departure card to streamline the immigration procedure
- Resum the “multiple-entry” Individual Visit Endorsements for Shenzhen residents and expand the coverage of pilot cities for implementing policies on the “one trip per week” Individual Visit Endorsements
- Loosen criteria for nationals of Cambodia, Loas and Myanmar applying for multiple-entry visas for travel and business and extend the validity period from 2 to 3 years
- Provide self-service immigration clearance for invited persons from 10 ASEAN countries through a dedicated desk
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