Building an International Hub for Post-Secondary Education

  • Promote the "Study in Hong Kong" brand to attract overseas students through scholarships and incentives
  • Proactively invite top talent to Hong Kong through the Quality Migrant Admission Scheme
  • Temporarily exempt non-local undergraduate students from part-time job restrictions
  • Establish the Northern Metropolis University Town to foster collaboration with renowned institutions
preschool students raise hands in the class

Attracting and Nurturing Talent

  • Establish a Committee on Education, Technology, and Talents to coordinate talent development efforts
  • Update the Talent List in early 2025 to align with the needs of the "eight centres"
  • Expand the Top Talent Pass Scheme to include more universities and enhance entry criteria for skilled workers
  • Implement a trial arrangement for vocational professionals to support skilled trades facing labor shortages
  • Strengthen cooperation with GBA cities to promote opportunities in the region

Promoting Multiple Pathways

  • Form an alliance of universities of applied sciences to enhance collaboration and promote applied education
  • Support the expansion of vocational and professional education, including new campuses and training allowances for apprentices

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