KPMG can help you to transfer the best municipal practices from other countries based on KPMG's international experience and network.
KPMG can help you to transfer the best municipal practices from other countries
Municipalities are the main administrative and territorial units in Bulgaria for local self-government. They are the major beneficiary of EU funds during the 2007 – 2013 and 2014 – 2020 programming periods, managing projects of about BGN 1 billion annually on average.
KPMG’s Cities sector supports municipalities in responding to challenges such as:
- Improving the administrative capacity of the municipal administrations to provide high quality public services to citizens
- Effective planning and efficient implementation of EU funded projects as well as mitigation of the risk of project delays and financial corrections
- Attracting investments and providing financing for infrastructure projects
How we can help
KPMG’s Cities sector provides a wide range of services to meet the needs of municipalities in becoming more effective and efficient and improving the quality of public services.
The main services we offer include:
- Administrative Capacity Building
- Development of Management and Control Systems
- External Technical Assistance for Infrastructure Project Implementation
- Functional Analysis (Relevance, Effectiveness and Efficiency)
- Development of Municipal Development Strategies
- Program and Performance-based Budgeting
- Audits of EU Funded Projects
- Human Resources Management
- Public Procurement Reviews
- Legal Advisory
We are well acquainted with the opportunities that EU funding provides for municipal development. Based on our profound understanding of the specific EU and national requirements, we can be a helpful advisor delivering practical assistance in the effective and efficient implementation of EU funded projects.
We are able to transfer the best municipal practices from other countries based on KPMG's international experience and network.
Our services
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