Philippines: Online registration and update system introduced
Implementation of registration-related online transactions, functions, and features in online registration and update system
Online registration and update system introduced
The Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) issued Revenue Memorandum Circular (RMC) Nos. 12-2023 and 36-2023 to announce the availability and implementation of registration-related online transactions, functions, and features in the online registration and update system (ORUS).
Revenue Memorandum Order (RMO) No. 27-2020, "BIR Digital Transformation (DX) Roadmap 2020-2030," introduced the ORUS which enables taxpayers to register, update and transact with the BIR for registration-related transactions online.
ORUS is a web-based system that provides all taxpayers a convenient and alternative facility for the end-to-end process of their registration with the BIR. The ORUS system can be accessed by every taxpayer through the BIR official website under the eServices icon or through
To be able to enroll in the system, all taxpayers who intend to transact online with the BIR through ORUS are advised to update their registration records, such as e-mail address and contact information using the S1905 – Registration Update Sheet (RUS).
Read an April 2023 report prepared by the KPMG member firm in the Philippines
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