• Stuart Tait, Partner |
Article Posted date8 August 2022

The pace of change for tax functions has never been more rapid.

Looking to the future, we are seeing a clear shift in expectations from tax authorities that all taxpayers will move from retrospective, form based, compliance to compliance by design where tax is embedded into finance systems and compliance takes place in real or near real time.

So how can you harness tax technology to address these challenges and ensure that your organisation is ready for the future of tax? In my view, there are three key elements to get right – your leadership, strategy and roadmap.

It’s essential to act now to ensure that your tax function is future fit by ensuring senior leadership focus on technology, underpinned by a robust tax technology strategy and tax technology roadmap. If you require specific support with your tax technology transformation, then please get in touch with the team.

  • Stuart Tait

    Stuart Tait

    Partner, Chief Technology Officer, Tax & Legal, KPMG in the UK

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