M&A Predictor
M&A Predictor
KPMG’s M&A Predictor is a forward-looking tool that helps member firm clients to forecast worldwide trends in mergers and acquisitions. The Predictor was established in 2007. It looks at the appetite and capacity for M&A deals by tracking and projecting important indicators 12 months forward. The rise or fall of forward P/E (price/earnings) ratios offers a good guide to the overall market confidence, while net debt to EBITDA (earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization) ratios help gauge the capacity of companies to fund future acquisitions.
View the Predictor data for the latest issue by region or industry sector:
M&A Predictor – February 2016
KPMG’s M&A Predictor looks at the appetite and capacity for M&A deals.
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