Are you familiar with the EU Taxonomy Regulation?

The EU Taxonomy Regulation (2020/852/EU) establishes an EU-wide classification system for environmentally sustainable economic activities. The Regulation contains six objectives, designed to support the EU’s Green Deal and 2030 climate and energy targets. The intention of the Regulation is, amongst other things, to help companies plan and finance their green transition, scale up investments and shift investments to where they are most needed, and protect investors from greenwashing. Non-financial undertakings in scope of the Regulation are required to report the share of Turnover, Capital Expenditures and Operating Expenditures of (potentially) sustainable economic activities. 

Is your organization in scope and do you understand what that entails? This publication provides answers to some key questions on the EU’s green classification system and can help you plan your next steps to ensure your organization aligns with the EU Taxonomy for a sustainable future.

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