Mongolian business environment is facing unprecedented challenges and dynamics due to recent changes in both global and domestic markets. To navigate these challenges and sustain growth, corporations must evaluate their current situations and develop comprehensive plans to address future issues.

To meet these needs, KPMG Mongolia Advisory professionals assist clients through a wide range of consulting and deal advisory services, including mergers and acquisitions (M&A), corporate financing, valuations, risk management, information technology (IT), environmental, social and governance (ESG), and forensic services. These services collectively address clients’ strategic requirements for growth, governance, and performance.

Our team also supports clients in establishing expansion strategies and facilitating necessary corporate developments to execute these strategies. Additionally, we offer accounting and tax advisory services, creating a customized suite of solutions to meet diverse client needs.

We offer a variety of business and asset valuation services, particularly in the context of M&A transactions, joint ventures, tax reorganizations, fund reporting, equity and debt financing, dispute resolutions, and restructurings. We deliver high-quality services through joint international valuation teams and collaboration across all KPMG practices.

We assist clients with M&A transactions and business deals by executing comprehensive financial due diligence, developing financial projections, analyzing cash flows, and evaluating management information, systems, controls, and staff compensation. Our team also provides vendor due diligence and divestiture assistance.

Our services extend to M&A origination and corporate restructurings, including target search, capital raising, strategic and financial analysis, pricing analysis, valuation, negotiation support, and financial structuring. We cover the entire project management lifecycle, from inception to completion, including potential IPO or trade sale exit. We collaborate with lenders, stakeholders, and management to develop restructuring strategies that enhance a company’s balance sheet, profit and loss, and cash flow statements.

We assist clients in improving and transforming business performance through strategic and operational re-engineering, technology investments, margin enhancement, risk management outsourcing, finance function improvements, cost optimization, and performance measurement. By incorporating better operating practices across the enterprise, we provide greater confidence to external investors, business partners, and markets.

Our services help clients harness the full potential of information technology in line with their business strategy and vision while supporting compliance with laws and regulations. Our IT Advisory professionals guide clients through the implementation process to achieve measurable results.

We help clients with important matters that have significant accounting ramifications, including converting to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), improving the speed and quality of financial reporting, initial public offerings (IPOs), and cross-border transactions.

We address urgent strategic and operational challenges by helping organizations improve corporate governance practices, risk management, compliance, and internal control systems. Our focus on strategic and operational risk issues helps develop integrated frameworks spanning different functions and operating units.

We provide fraud risk management, forensic investigations, contract compliance, and litigation support services. This encompasses quantification of loss, preparation of expert witness reports, fraud and misconduct investigations, IT recovery, document management, and other analytical techniques.

We assist clients in resolving complex ESG requirements through our extensive network of ESG professionals. Considering ESG factors has become critical to business success, we offer a variety of ESG advisory services to support clients at every stage of their ESG journey.
