Our people - Mark Walters

Mark Walters

Meet Mark - Communicator, traveler and indie-rock fan.

Meet Mark - Communicator, traveler and indie-rock fan.

Our People: Mark

Mark Walters

Director of Communications for the Global Chairman, KPMG International

Communicator, traveler and indie-rock fan.

“After starting my career in British politics – where I learnt a lot about the power of communications – I joined a PR agency in London as a consultant, before moving with the same agency to Hong Kong. I have a passion for experiencing new cultures, so the move to Asia was a key career move for me. After a few years in Hong Kong, I was recruited for my current role as Director of Communications for the Global Chairman at KPMG. This was a newly created position and I wanted to make my mark.  

Every day I help shape the KPMG culture through consistent communications. I get a sense of pride from supporting the leaders of our organization in sharing their vision. A lot of my work is behind the scenes but it’s a great feeling to experience it in action. I’ll never forget when I helped our Chairman prepare a speech on the purpose and culture of KPMG for a Beijing conference. It was a real labor of love. It was so personal for him (and me) that we worked on it right up until moments before he went on stage. The reaction from the audience was incredible: they flooded the stage to congratulate him and it really hit an emotional chord. I keep the final printed copy at my desk for inspiration. It motivates me to keep working my absolute best and reminds me that I can have a genuine impact here.

I have the opportunity to connect with people across all different sectors and member firms around the world. Anytime I meet someone new from the business, I like to ask them to tell me what they do. One of the biggest myths about KPMG is that we’re all accountants, it’s inspiring to meet the people who make our offering so diverse. I am the only communications person sitting on the executive floor in New York, but I have an entire network of people around the globe that help me grow and develop new skills. 

I’ve been able to live in some of the most exciting cities in the world, including London, Washington D.C., Hong Kong and more recently my role has taken me to New York. Diving into American culture has introduced me to a lot of new things, like different cuisines and the city’s indie-rock scene. My career has taken me on quite the adventure.

My advice for aspiring graduates? Don’t pigeon-hole yourself. Come here with an open mind. Once you scratch the surface of what we do, you’ll discover a career path with KPMG you haven’t heard of yet. And remember: everyone makes mistakes. Sometimes, that’s where the best ideas come from."

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