Our People: Pradeep Udhas

Our People: Pradeep Udhas

Meet Pradeep - Senior Partner, entrepreneur and Bollywood performer.

Meet Pradeep - Senior Partner, entrepreneur and Bollywood performer.

Our People: Pradeep

Pradeep Udhas

Managing Director KPMG, US and previous Chairman, KPMG India Global

Senior Partner, entrepreneur and Bollywood performer.

“Growing up, I dreamed of becoming a Bollywood singer, but I was also drawn to the business world. With KPMG, I have the opportunity to pursue both my passions – and be successful at them.

I joined KPMG in the US after a decade of working at a major technology company. At the time, KPMG was beginning to explore business opportunities in India. Given my experience and interest in the region – I grew up there and returned from a previous secondment – the senior partners recognized my value and asked me to move to India to embark on the journey of a lifetime.

Combining my entrepreneurial mindset with the tools and resources of a global organization, I had the opportunity to help build something from the ground up. KPMG in India started in a small office, competing with firms who had been in the region for nearly a hundred years. As we were expanding, KPMG gave me the support I needed to develop software process certification services as well as an IT advisory practice. It was challenging. It was exhilarating. And it was successful. We now have offices in 10 different Indian cities with over 8,000 employees. Talk about rewarding.

I’ve always felt at home with KPMG. During my career, I’ve pursued opportunities with other organizations, but KPMG always drew me back. It’s the perfect platform for people who are motivated by the possibilities of a global network. When I decided to reapply to KPMG, it was tough. Even though I had already worked here, I still had to prove myself as the best person for the job. But once I rejoined, I was welcomed with open arms.

I’ve always been creative, and KPMG gives me the freedom and flexibility to explore that side of myself. While in India, I composed a score for a Bollywood film and I perform regularly. It’s also impacted my professional life – I’ve performed at annual KPMG functions and been able to develop unique business relationships with professionals who are interested in my Bollywood passions.

With KPMG, I’m not just another employee. I’m me.” 

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