Regulations, capital requirements & evolving technologies are among the challenges currently facing the banking sector. KPMG has innovative solutions.
Regulations, capital requirements & evolving technologies are among the challenges...
Higher capital requirements, simplified legal structures, shrinking spreads, costly regulatory burden and overall market volatility are just some of the challenges that banks face in this new era. KPMG’s global member firms deal with these issues daily in addition to FATCA, EMIR, cyber security, operations and technology and trade surveillance. We offer professional services to banks, capital markets, exchanges, financial intermediaries (ie. clearing houses) at national and global levels.
Smart market participants are seizing this time of change and rethinking their business models, delivery channels, infrastructure, products, services, and optimizing their operations as they expand into new markets to meet the new and demanding needs of their clients. Our close connection with regulators, comprehension of the key issues and deep client insights help clients minimize impact to their daily operations.
We welcome the opportunity to discuss how KPMG Luxembourg can help you achieve your business objectives so please contact us below with any questions you may have.
Banking Challenges
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