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2023 marked yet another impressive year for Luxembourg's banking sector. Record numbers across the industry shaped the overall performance of Luxembourg banks, yet this did not come without its challenges. Geopolitical uncertainty, inflation, greater ESG compliance, and other challenges are demanding financial institutions to adapt and evolve for a more sustainable banking industry.

So how did your bank compare against others? With statistical analyses and data from over 70 of Luxembourg’s banking institutions, we invite you to delve into our data, discover financial trends, and learn about your bank’s positioning against others in Luxembourg’s financial ecosystem.

Key highlights

Listen to our experts discuss the key highlights and challenges of the Luxembourg banking industry in 2023.

1. Net interest income

Net interest income increased significantly – over 50% - in 2023 compared to 2022. This substantial increase occurred mainly due to interest rate hikes through decisions made by the European Central Bank. Along with liquidity replacements, bank profits increased greatly to EUR 8.9 billion (+85% compared to 2019, +43% compared to 2022).

2. Decreasing bank numbers

There was a slight trend of decreasing bank numbers due to consolidation, including mergers, transformation into branches, or full business closures. Recent trends in retail market activities suggest a potential downward pressure on the industry.

3. Talent attraction

The main challenges the sector will face are talent attraction to Luxembourg’s financial markets and regulatory requirements such as DORA, Pillar Two, and ESG compliance and reporting.

Interview with the Minister of Finance, Gilles Roth

Simply telling people how good Luxembourg is won’t cut it.

— Gilles Roth, Luxembourg's Minister of Finance

Read interview

Banking insights

Delve deep into the key trends, challenges and opportunities shaping the banking sector in Luxembourg.

Interactive bank rankings 31 December 2023Expand Close

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  • Overview
  • Total assets
  • Amount owed to customers
  • Equity
  • Net interest income
  • Net fee and commission income
  • Profit for the financial year
  • Staff

Overview (rank by category)

Bank Total assets Amounts owed to customers Net interest income Net fee and commission income Profit for the financial year Equity Staff
BGL BNP Paribas S.A. 2 2 2 7 2 1 1
Banque Internationale à Luxembourg S.A. 5 4 4 6 8 6 2
Banque et Caisse d'Epargne de l'Etat, Luxembourg 1 1 1 9 3 2 3
Quintet Private Bank (Europe) S.A. 15 11 10 4 21 12 4
DZ PRIVATBANK S.A. 6 5 14 11 13 11 5
Société Générale Luxembourg 3 3 9 8 4 4 6
Banque de Luxembourg S.A. 12 7 12 12 14 17 7
ING LUXEMBOURG S.A. 10 6 7 14 7 10 8
RBC Investor Services Bank S.A./ CACEIS INVESTOR SERVICES BANK S.A. 11 10 70 10 31 13 9
Banque Raiffeisen Société Coopérative 14 9 11 31 20 25 10
Clearstream Fund Centre S.A. 60 62 58 65 29 35 11
CA Indosuez Wealth (Europe) S.A. 9 12 18 16 35 23 12
Clearstream Banking S.A. 8 30 3 1 1 13 13
Northern Trust Global Services SE 20 13 22 5 22 16 14
Edmond de Rothschild (Europe) 26 17 17 22 19 43 15
Brown Brothers Harriman (Luxembourg) S.C.A. 67 62 64 13 23 51 16
Bank Julius Baer Europe S.A. 31 22 25 17 24 40 17
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Europe) S.A., en abrégé ICBC (Europe) S.A. 25 26 36 32 30 29 18
Deutsche Bank Luxembourg S.A. 4 19 5 70 5 3 19
Crédit Suisse (Luxembourg) S.A. 23 14 40 19 62 24 20
Nomura Bank (Luxembourg) S.A. 28 21 41 23 28 30 21
Banque Degroof Petercam Luxembourg S.A. 38 29 42 28 67 38 22
European Depositary Bank S.A. 46 33 37 25 33 54 23
Banque J. Safra Sarasin (Luxembourg) SA 18 15 16 21 12 27 24
Intesa Sanpaolo Wealth Management S.A. 32 24 31 29 44 42 25
Lombard Odier (Europe) S.A. 39 36 32 20 32 50 26
China Construction Bank (Europe) S.A. 30 50 33 41 38 26 27
Advanzia Bank S.A. 27 25 8 24 10 28 28
EFG Bank (Luxembourg) S.A. 29 20 26 27 17 41 29
Mizuho Trust & Banking (Luxembourg) SA 48 43 44 30 46 52 30
HSBC Private Bank (Luxembourg) S.A. 35 32 68 34 71 44 31
Mitsubishi UFJ Investor Services and Banking (Luxembourg) S.A. 21 18 19 18 11 21 32
Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Luxembourg S.A. 7 23 13 26 9 5 33
John Deere Bank S.A. 33 62 21 60 34 22 34
Banque Havilland S.A. 55 52 51 45 69 46 35
Eurobank Private Bank Luxembourg S.A. 36 27 24 53 27 37 36
NORD/LB Luxembourg S.A. Covered Bond Bank S.A. 19 28 23 71 70 19 37
Union Bancaire Privée (Europe) S.A. 37 31 29 33 40 32 37
Bank GPB International S.A. 42 37 27 54 51 33 38
Banque de Patrimoines Privés S.A. 56 46 49 42 50 60 39
PayPal (Europe) S.à r.l. et Cie, S.C.A. 16 62 6 3 6 9 40
VP Bank (Luxembourg) S.A. 41 35 46 40 48 53 41
SMBC Nikko Bank (Luxembourg) S.A. 57 49 63 39 26 45 42
UniCredit International Bank (Luxembourg) S.A. 44 40 47 51 58 36 43
Bank of Communications (Luxembourg) S.A. 50 56 45 62 49 39 44
Swissquote Bank Europe SA 54 42 43 48 45 56 45
Rakuten Europe Bank S.A. 70 59 65 43 68 67 46
Banco Bradesco Europa S.A. 47 44 30 47 39 34 47
Agricultural Bank of China (Luxembourg) S.A. 69 60 66 58 60 69 48
Delen Private Bank Luxembourg S.A. 49 38 57 15 15 48 49
Natixis Corporate and Investment Banking Luxembourg 34 55 28 69 37 18 50
RiverBank S.A. 63 54 50 64 64 65 50
Mirabaud & Cie (Europe) S.A. 59 53 53 36 63 68 51
Banque Transatlantique Luxembourg S.A. 51 41 55 52 53 58 52
DNB Luxembourg S.A. 40 34 39 59 41 47 53
Bankinter Luxembourg S.A. 53 45 52 44 43 57 54
Andbank Luxembourg S.A. 61 51 54 61 52 64 54
BTG Pactual Europe S.A. 64 57 61 63 65 61 56
Commerzbank Finance & Covered Bond S.A. 24 39 20 2 42 14 57
BPER Bank Luxembourg SA 52 48 48 56 47 59 58
CaixaBank Wealth Management Luxembourg S.A. 58 47 56 49 56 66 59
Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank (Luxembourg) S.A. 62 62 59 57 55 62 60
CIBC Capital Markets (Europe) SA 45 62 34 37 25 15 61
China Merchants Bank (Europe) S.A. 68 62 60 66 66 55 62
Société Nationale de Crédit et d'Investissement 43 58 35 67 18 8 64
Société Générale Financing and Distribution S.A. 66 62 69 68 57 63 65
China Everbright Bank (Europe) S.A. 65 62 62 55 54 70 66
Société Générale Capital Market Finance S.A. 13 8 71 38 61 49 66
Bank of China (Europe) S.A. 17 16 15 35 20 20

Total assets (€ million)

Bank 2023 2022 % change
Advanzia Bank S.A. 4155.61 3248.45 27.93%
Agricultural Bank of China (Luxembourg) S.A. 61.27 50.62 21.06%
Andbank Luxembourg S.A. 465.21 540.89 -13.99%
Banco Bradesco Europa S.A. 1309.22 2099.60 -37.64%
Bank GPB International S.A. 1949.12 4634.11 -57.94%
Bank Julius Baer Europe S.A. 3623.27 4085.83 -11.32%
Bank of China (Europe) S.A. 9280.74 8622.95 7.63%
Bank of Communications (Luxembourg) S.A. 1014.79 992.81 2.21%
Bankinter Luxembourg S.A. 802.52 839.45 -4.40%
Banque de Luxembourg S.A. 14101.74 14632.70 -3.63%
Banque de Patrimoines Privés S.A. 666.08 847.10 -21.37%
Banque Degroof Petercam Luxembourg S.A. 2715.20 3346.33 -18.86%
Banque et Caisse d'Epargne de l'Etat, Luxembourg 56324.16 56905.62 -1.02%
Banque Havilland S.A. 723.85 938.85 -22.90%
Banque Internationale à Luxembourg S.A. 30535.26 32412.31 -5.79%
Banque J. Safra Sarasin (Luxembourg) SA 9111.59 6216.58 46.57%
Banque Raiffeisen Société Coopérative 10764.85 10754.48 0.10%
Banque Transatlantique Luxembourg S.A. 976.21 976.65 -0.05%
BGL BNP Paribas S.A. 52656.40 50986.30 3.28%
BPER Bank Luxembourg SA 970.02 875.69 10.77%
Brown Brothers Harriman (Luxembourg) S.C.A. 135.30 118.75 13.94%
BTG Pactual Europe S.A. 248.68 53.04 368.83%
CA Indosuez Wealth (Europe) S.A. 16458.07 15077.48 9.16%
CaixaBank Wealth Management Luxembourg S.A. 518.87 373.01 39.10%
China Construction Bank (Europe) S.A. 3655.98 3164.42 15.53%
China Everbright Bank (Europe) S.A. 186.02 103.76 79.28%
China Merchants Bank (Europe) S.A. 117.23 44.82 161.59%
CIBC Capital Markets (Europe) SA 1623.04 770.38 110.68%
Clearstream Banking S.A. 17084.82 17174.44 -0.52%
Clearstream Fund Centre S.A. 482.26 376.17 28.20%
Commerzbank Finance & Covered Bond S.A. 5347.97 6379.20 -16.17%
Crédit Suisse (Luxembourg) S.A. 5450.72 5290.44 3.03%
Delen Private Bank Luxembourg S.A. 1054.01 631.03 67.03%
Deutsche Bank Luxembourg S.A. 32334.34 29507.24 9.58%
DNB Luxembourg S.A. 2407.87 2431.69 -0.98%
DZ PRIVATBANK S.A. 25661.93 24812.73 3.42%
Edmond de Rothschild (Europe) 4824.61 5147.30 -6.27%
EFG Bank (Luxembourg) S.A. 3697.98 3550.13 4.16%
Eurobank Private Bank Luxembourg S.A. 3056.67 2790.61 9.53%
European Depositary Bank S.A. 1417.99 1619.00 -12.42%
HSBC Private Bank (Luxembourg) S.A. 3098.09 8565.99 -63.83%
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Europe) S.A., en abrégé ICBC (Europe) S.A. 5074.70 7403.55 -31.46%
ING LUXEMBOURG S.A. 16454.49 20933.24 -21.40%
Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Luxembourg S.A. 22172.64 18365.97 20.73%
Intesa Sanpaolo Wealth Management S.A. 3452.13 1981.86 74.19%
John Deere Bank S.A. 3437.89 3184.60 7.95%
Lombard Odier (Europe) S.A. 2715.04 1840.80 47.49%
Mirabaud & Cie (Europe) S.A. 517.11 466.41 10.87%
Mitsubishi UFJ Investor Services and Banking (Luxembourg) S.A. 6007.27 7698.40 -21.97%
Mizuho Trust & Banking (Luxembourg) SA 1218.18 1318.68 -7.62%
Natixis Corporate and Investment Banking Luxembourg 3238.69 4920.65 -34.18%
Nomura Bank (Luxembourg) S.A. 4126.33 4858.21 -15.06%
NORD/LB Luxembourg S.A. Covered Bond Bank S.A. 7814.70 9154.70 -14.64%
Northern Trust Global Services SE 7302.16 6108.92 19.53%
PayPal (Europe) S.à r.l. et Cie, S.C.A. 9972.96 11572.93 -13.83%
Quintet Private Bank (Europe) S.A. 10577.00 13010.00 -18.70%
Rakuten Europe Bank S.A. 56.16 53.77 4.43%
RBC Investor Services Bank S.A./ CACEIS INVESTOR SERVICES BANK S.A. 15480.97 16413.78 -5.68%
RiverBank S.A. 255.72 246.48 3.75%
SMBC Nikko Bank (Luxembourg) S.A. 640.12 712.24 -10.13%
Société Générale Capital Market Finance S.A. 13140.36 12059.47 8.96%
Société Générale Financing and Distribution S.A. 178.04 671.85 -73.50%
Société Générale Luxembourg 50976.21 52415.58 -2.75%
Société Nationale de Crédit et d'Investissement 1660.74 1602.56 3.63%
Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank (Luxembourg) S.A. 265.71 329.65 -19.40%
Swissquote Bank Europe SA 790.38 792.64 -0.28%
UniCredit International Bank (Luxembourg) S.A. 1644.61 2482.29 -33.75%
Union Bancaire Privée (Europe) S.A. 2802.68 3038.94 -7.77%
VP Bank (Luxembourg) S.A. 2147.21 2096.80 2.40%

Amount owed to customers (€ million)

Bank 2023 2022 % change
Advanzia Bank S.A. 2711.10 2355.66 15.09%
Agricultural Bank of China (Luxembourg) S.A. 10.00 10.00 0.00%
Andbank Luxembourg S.A. 301.41 311.68 -3.30%
Banco Bradesco Europa S.A. 521.99 522.37 -0.07%
Bank GPB International S.A. 936.89 1213.29 -22.78%
Bank Julius Baer Europe S.A. 3177.39 3682.90 -13.73%
Bank of China (Europe) S.A. 3540.43 3336.25 6.12%
Bank of Communications (Luxembourg) S.A. 50.00 100.00 -50.00%
Bankinter Luxembourg S.A. 519.34 717.18 -27.59%
Banque de Luxembourg S.A. 11855.46 12673.63 -6.46%
Banque de Patrimoines Privés S.A. 449.73 617.63 -27.18%
Banque Degroof Petercam Luxembourg S.A. 1984.70 2562.96 -22.56%
Banque et Caisse d'Epargne de l'Etat, Luxembourg 40142.93 41214.95 -2.60%
Banque Havilland S.A. 273.93 489.47 -44.04%
Banque Internationale à Luxembourg S.A. 18455.04 21040.95 -12.29%
Banque J. Safra Sarasin (Luxembourg) SA 3850.28 3258.35 18.17%
Banque Raiffeisen Société Coopérative 9596.27 9425.70 1.81%
Banque Transatlantique Luxembourg S.A. 704.08 640.62 9.91%
BGL BNP Paribas S.A. 36175.50 37712.30 -4.08%
BPER Bank Luxembourg SA 405.72 587.03 -30.89%
Brown Brothers Harriman (Luxembourg) S.C.A.
BTG Pactual Europe S.A. 34.35 41.22 -16.66%
CA Indosuez Wealth (Europe) S.A. 7635.71 7999.55 -4.55%
CaixaBank Wealth Management Luxembourg S.A. 442.29 335.09 31.99%
China Construction Bank (Europe) S.A. 362.96 315.14 15.17%
China Everbright Bank (Europe) S.A.
China Merchants Bank (Europe) S.A.
CIBC Capital Markets (Europe) SA
Clearstream Banking S.A. 1827.06 2164.47 -15.59%
Clearstream Fund Centre S.A.
Commerzbank Finance & Covered Bond S.A. 805.12 790.12 1.90%
Crédit Suisse (Luxembourg) S.A. 4331.15 4294.94 0.84%
Delen Private Bank Luxembourg S.A. 845.86 430.51 96.48%
Deutsche Bank Luxembourg S.A. 3427.47 2860.52 19.82%
DNB Luxembourg S.A. 1234.12 1461.55 -15.56%
DZ PRIVATBANK S.A. 13624.64 15131.48 -9.96%
Edmond de Rothschild (Europe) 3523.30 4084.64 -13.74%
EFG Bank (Luxembourg) S.A. 3277.30 3187.28 2.82%
Eurobank Private Bank Luxembourg S.A. 2304.37 1842.59 25.06%
European Depositary Bank S.A. 1256.11 1473.73 -14.77%
HSBC Private Bank (Luxembourg) S.A. 1623.48 1332.39 21.85%
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Europe) S.A., en abrégé ICBC (Europe) S.A. 2571.89 3947.85 -34.85%
ING LUXEMBOURG S.A. 13429.00 17556.40 -23.51%
Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Luxembourg S.A. 3047.13 2237.40 36.19%
Intesa Sanpaolo Wealth Management S.A. 2969.21 1821.02 63.05%
John Deere Bank S.A.
Lombard Odier (Europe) S.A. 1071.53 1674.63 -36.01%
Mirabaud & Cie (Europe) S.A. 258.48 416.80 -37.98%
Mitsubishi UFJ Investor Services and Banking (Luxembourg) S.A. 3452.99 4549.41 -24.10%
Mizuho Trust & Banking (Luxembourg) SA 532.07 512.73 3.77%
Natixis Corporate and Investment Banking Luxembourg 134.49 577.75 -76.72%
Nomura Bank (Luxembourg) S.A. 3249.77 3852.11 -15.64%
NORD/LB Luxembourg S.A. Covered Bond Bank S.A. 2066.30 2371.20 -12.86%
Northern Trust Global Services SE 4768.25 5090.38 -6.33%
PayPal (Europe) S.à r.l. et Cie, S.C.A.
Quintet Private Bank (Europe) S.A. 8345.00 10719.00 -22.15%
Rakuten Europe Bank S.A. 14.43 17.12 -15.71%
RBC Investor Services Bank S.A./ CACEIS INVESTOR SERVICES BANK S.A. 8525.49 12259.61 -30.46%
RiverBank S.A. 199.09 189.81 4.89%
SMBC Nikko Bank (Luxembourg) S.A. 400.65 516.43 -22.42%
Société Générale Capital Market Finance S.A. 11831.26 11483.89 3.02%
Société Générale Financing and Distribution S.A.
Société Générale Luxembourg 22565.17 24720.46 -8.72%
Société Nationale de Crédit et d'Investissement 30.00 30.00 0.00%
Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank (Luxembourg) S.A.
Swissquote Bank Europe SA 679.49 709.76 -4.26%
UniCredit International Bank (Luxembourg) S.A. 757.57 374.36 102.37%
Union Bancaire Privée (Europe) S.A. 1654.44 2184.81 -24.28%
VP Bank (Luxembourg) S.A. 1140.62 1287.08 -11.38%

Equity (€ million)

Bank 2023 2022 % change
Advanzia Bank S.A. 475.18 343.69 38.26%
Agricultural Bank of China (Luxembourg) S.A. 23.33 22.83 2.20%
Andbank Luxembourg S.A. 50.05 46.15 8.44%
Banco Bradesco Europa S.A. 321.24 532.86 -39.71%
Bank GPB International S.A. 327.85 350.42 -6.44%
Bank Julius Baer Europe S.A. 265.10 230.46 15.03%
Bank of China (Europe) S.A. 621.77 547.97 13.47%
Bank of Communications (Luxembourg) S.A. 287.75 279.72 2.87%
Bankinter Luxembourg S.A. 83.91 70.10 19.71%
Banque de Luxembourg S.A. 810.12 799.99 1.27%
Banque de Patrimoines Privés S.A. 66.36 60.19 10.26%
Banque Degroof Petercam Luxembourg S.A. 292.24 296.83 -1.54%
Banque et Caisse d'Epargne de l'Etat, Luxembourg 5577.75 5345.09 4.35%
Banque Havilland S.A. 153.48 161.47 -4.95%
Banque Internationale à Luxembourg S.A. 2413.37 2277.86 5.95%
Banque J. Safra Sarasin (Luxembourg) SA 487.95 534.90 -8.78%
Banque Raiffeisen Société Coopérative 521.76 478.58 9.02%
Banque Transatlantique Luxembourg S.A. 76.64 74.22 3.26%
BGL BNP Paribas S.A. 6145.70 5880.80 4.50%
BPER Bank Luxembourg SA 77.10 67.77 13.77%
Brown Brothers Harriman (Luxembourg) S.C.A. 109.51 102.37 6.98%
BTG Pactual Europe S.A. 62.79 11.19 461.04%
CA Indosuez Wealth (Europe) S.A. 532.56 538.00 -1.01%
CaixaBank Wealth Management Luxembourg S.A. 48.63 21.70 124.06%
China Construction Bank (Europe) S.A. 512.32 494.87 3.52%
China Everbright Bank (Europe) S.A. 20.51 14.64 40.04%
China Merchants Bank (Europe) S.A. 90.31 44.20 104.33%
CIBC Capital Markets (Europe) SA 857.63 376.37 127.87%
Clearstream Banking S.A. 1638.62 1461.34 12.13%
Clearstream Fund Centre S.A. 319.53 294.17 8.62%
Commerzbank Finance & Covered Bond S.A. 1070.06 1056.01 1.33%
Crédit Suisse (Luxembourg) S.A. 532.46 521.44 2.11%
Delen Private Bank Luxembourg S.A. 138.81 137.12 1.23%
Deutsche Bank Luxembourg S.A. 4984.54 4881.35 2.11%
DNB Luxembourg S.A. 144.59 129.65 11.52%
DZ PRIVATBANK S.A. 1230.50 1168.12 5.34%
Edmond de Rothschild (Europe) 246.13 213.32 15.38%
EFG Bank (Luxembourg) S.A. 262.53 193.57 35.63%
Eurobank Private Bank Luxembourg S.A. 305.47 271.93 12.33%
European Depositary Bank S.A. 97.59 70.23 38.95%
HSBC Private Bank (Luxembourg) S.A. 236.35 334.49 -29.34%
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Europe) S.A., en abrégé ICBC (Europe) S.A. 434.80 409.11 6.28%
ING LUXEMBOURG S.A. 1285.85 1089.36 18.04%
Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Luxembourg S.A. 2567.60 2422.42 5.99%
Intesa Sanpaolo Wealth Management S.A. 249.46 93.15 167.80%
John Deere Bank S.A. 548.62 530.28 3.46%
Lombard Odier (Europe) S.A. 129.73 106.62 21.67%
Mirabaud & Cie (Europe) S.A. 28.35 29.57 -4.14%
Mitsubishi UFJ Investor Services and Banking (Luxembourg) S.A. 588.96 518.39 13.61%
Mizuho Trust & Banking (Luxembourg) SA 107.42 100.55 6.83%
Natixis Corporate and Investment Banking Luxembourg 730.47 720.89 1.33%
Nomura Bank (Luxembourg) S.A. 371.00 358.87 3.38%
NORD/LB Luxembourg S.A. Covered Bond Bank S.A. 626.40 625.70 0.11%
Northern Trust Global Services SE 844.56 801.87 5.32%
PayPal (Europe) S.à r.l. et Cie, S.C.A. 1327.71 1230.64 7.89%
Quintet Private Bank (Europe) S.A. 1154.00 1116.00 3.41%
Rakuten Europe Bank S.A. 37.37 32.03 16.67%
RBC Investor Services Bank S.A./ CACEIS INVESTOR SERVICES BANK S.A. 1087.27 1171.60 -7.20%
RiverBank S.A. 50.42 48.85 3.21%
SMBC Nikko Bank (Luxembourg) S.A. 215.04 179.35 19.90%
Société Générale Capital Market Finance S.A. 138.36 81.36 70.07%
Société Générale Financing and Distribution S.A. 52.63 50.85 3.51%
Société Générale Luxembourg 3233.36 3131.08 3.27%
Société Nationale de Crédit et d'Investissement 1333.08 1274.66 4.58%
Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank (Luxembourg) S.A. 54.37 53.16 2.28%
Swissquote Bank Europe SA 84.58 73.33 15.34%
UniCredit International Bank (Luxembourg) S.A. 307.00 307.36 -0.12%
Union Bancaire Privée (Europe) S.A. 347.99 312.31 11.43%
VP Bank (Luxembourg) S.A. 106.99 127.81 -16.29%

Net interest income (€ million)

Bank 2023 2022 % change
Advanzia Bank S.A. 384.53 361.74 6.30%
Agricultural Bank of China (Luxembourg) S.A. 0.45 0.09 402.45%
Andbank Luxembourg S.A. 9.31 4.24 119.47%
Banco Bradesco Europa S.A. 40.84 29.34 39.16%
Bank GPB International S.A. 49.90 50.00 -0.20%
Bank Julius Baer Europe S.A. 61.50 27.41 124.38%
Bank of China (Europe) S.A. 138.87 87.90 57.99%
Bank of Communications (Luxembourg) S.A. 20.68 10.24 101.99%
Bankinter Luxembourg S.A. 10.42 7.98 30.58%
Banque de Luxembourg S.A. 193.12 100.67 91.84%
Banque de Patrimoines Privés S.A. 12.08 7.39 63.57%
Banque Degroof Petercam Luxembourg S.A. 23.69 15.67 51.22%
Banque et Caisse d'Epargne de l'Etat, Luxembourg 777.62 488.33 59.24%
Banque Havilland S.A. 11.25 10.03 12.12%
Banque Internationale à Luxembourg S.A. 537.43 362.48 48.26%
Banque J. Safra Sarasin (Luxembourg) SA 114.80 76.60 49.88%
Banque Raiffeisen Société Coopérative 202.04 129.65 55.84%
Banque Transatlantique Luxembourg S.A. 8.76 6.61 32.45%
BGL BNP Paribas S.A. 661.10 524.30 26.09%
BPER Bank Luxembourg SA 14.23 5.81 145.00%
Brown Brothers Harriman (Luxembourg) S.C.A. 1.16 0.21 452.84%
BTG Pactual Europe S.A. 2.30 0.83 177.09%
CA Indosuez Wealth (Europe) S.A. 92.85 72.60 27.88%
CaixaBank Wealth Management Luxembourg S.A. 7.21 0.94 670.70%
China Construction Bank (Europe) S.A. 37.87 31.32 20.90%
China Everbright Bank (Europe) S.A. 1.62 0.46 249.82%
China Merchants Bank (Europe) S.A. 2.62 0.14 1759.41%
CIBC Capital Markets (Europe) SA 33.54 3.35 901.04%
Clearstream Banking S.A. 555.19 194.36 185.66%
Clearstream Fund Centre S.A. 6.57 0.02 43666.67%
Commerzbank Finance & Covered Bond S.A. 74.36 111.07 -33.05%
Crédit Suisse (Luxembourg) S.A. 25.76 28.72 -10.31%
Delen Private Bank Luxembourg S.A. 6.97 1.36 414.16%
Deutsche Bank Luxembourg S.A. 533.27 294.43 81.12%
DNB Luxembourg S.A. 27.90 22.25 25.42%
DZ PRIVATBANK S.A. 154.54 117.53 31.49%
Edmond de Rothschild (Europe) 98.00 37.78 159.42%
EFG Bank (Luxembourg) S.A. 60.75 18.45 229.24%
Eurobank Private Bank Luxembourg S.A. 66.45 36.26 83.28%
European Depositary Bank S.A. 29.34 12.89 127.65%
HSBC Private Bank (Luxembourg) S.A. -3.03 -14.22 -78.66%
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Europe) S.A., en abrégé ICBC (Europe) S.A. 31.31 45.83 -31.68%
ING LUXEMBOURG S.A. 448.52 250.18 79.28%
Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Luxembourg S.A. 176.10 130.50 34.94%
Intesa Sanpaolo Wealth Management S.A. 40.46 9.61 321.22%
John Deere Bank S.A. 72.02 70.46 2.21%
Lombard Odier (Europe) S.A. 39.84 18.90 110.86%
Mirabaud & Cie (Europe) S.A. 10.24 3.16 223.67%
Mitsubishi UFJ Investor Services and Banking (Luxembourg) S.A. 88.48 45.70 93.60%
Mizuho Trust & Banking (Luxembourg) SA 21.34 5.07 321.33%
Natixis Corporate and Investment Banking Luxembourg 46.38 30.28 53.14%
Nomura Bank (Luxembourg) S.A. 25.23 2.19 1050.57%
NORD/LB Luxembourg S.A. Covered Bond Bank S.A. 68.51 75.38 -9.11%
Northern Trust Global Services SE 68.64 9.29 639.21%
PayPal (Europe) S.à r.l. et Cie, S.C.A. 486.13 258.15 88.31%
Quintet Private Bank (Europe) S.A. 219.25 98.05 123.60%
Rakuten Europe Bank S.A. 0.62 -0.03 N/A
RBC Investor Services Bank S.A./ CACEIS INVESTOR SERVICES BANK S.A. -10.43 69.36 N/A
RiverBank S.A. 11.71 10.51 11.45%
SMBC Nikko Bank (Luxembourg) S.A. 1.59 0.18 780.59%
Société Générale Capital Market Finance S.A. -11.38 -4.02 182.63%
Société Générale Financing and Distribution S.A. -4.76 3.23 N/A
Société Générale Luxembourg 350.52 197.79 77.22%
Société Nationale de Crédit et d'Investissement 31.75 2.50 1168.89%
Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank (Luxembourg) S.A. 5.87 2.45 139.87%
Swissquote Bank Europe SA 22.47 8.14 175.97%
UniCredit International Bank (Luxembourg) S.A. 16.85 19.86 -15.14%
Union Bancaire Privée (Europe) S.A. 44.90 30.12 49.08%
VP Bank (Luxembourg) S.A. 20.37 10.76 89.22%

Net fee and commission income (€ million)

Bank 2023 2022 % change
Advanzia Bank S.A. 50.94 41.67 22.25%
Agricultural Bank of China (Luxembourg) S.A. 5.61 7.53 -25.48%
Andbank Luxembourg S.A. 2.30 3.12 -26.07%
Banco Bradesco Europa S.A. 10 11.82 -16.86%
Bank GPB International S.A. 7.36 28.88 -74.50%
Bank Julius Baer Europe S.A. 83.40 81.85 1.88%
Bank of China (Europe) S.A. 24.40 14.03 73.89%
Bank of Communications (Luxembourg) S.A. 2.24 3.74 -40.24%
Bankinter Luxembourg S.A. 12.00 12.37 -2.99%
Banque de Luxembourg S.A. 135.81 137.71 -1.38%
Banque de Patrimoines Privés S.A. 19.05 18.35 3.84%
Banque Degroof Petercam Luxembourg S.A. 44.33 47.72 -7.11%
Banque et Caisse d'Epargne de l'Etat, Luxembourg 157.25 162.97 -3.51%
Banque Havilland S.A. 10 12.15 -17.70%
Banque Internationale à Luxembourg S.A. 212.02 224.21 -5.43%
Banque J. Safra Sarasin (Luxembourg) SA 58.86 51.58 14.11%
Banque Raiffeisen Société Coopérative 32.83 33.71 -2.60%
Banque Transatlantique Luxembourg S.A. 7.52 6.52 15.32%
BGL BNP Paribas S.A. 169.60 168.20 0.83%
BPER Bank Luxembourg SA 6.12 6.20 -1.37%
Brown Brothers Harriman (Luxembourg) S.C.A. 119 127.54 -6.59%
BTG Pactual Europe S.A. 1.23 2.19 -43.87%
CA Indosuez Wealth (Europe) S.A. 85.83 96.16 -10.75%
CaixaBank Wealth Management Luxembourg S.A. 9.06 5.06 79.02%
China Construction Bank (Europe) S.A. 19.74 14.23 38.69%
China Everbright Bank (Europe) S.A. 6.25 3.04 105.66%
China Merchants Bank (Europe) S.A. 0.12 0.01 1964.10%
CIBC Capital Markets (Europe) SA 22.35 10.86 105.77%
Clearstream Banking S.A. 721.42 633.49 13.88%
Clearstream Fund Centre S.A. 0.22 0
Commerzbank Finance & Covered Bond S.A. 489.00 3.22 15109.95%
Crédit Suisse (Luxembourg) S.A. 72.33 94.89 -23.77%
Delen Private Bank Luxembourg S.A. 93.27 86.57 7.74%
Deutsche Bank Luxembourg S.A. -23.03 -14.74 56.22%
DNB Luxembourg S.A. 3.99 4.48 -10.87%
DZ PRIVATBANK S.A. 154.46 157.33 -1.82%
Edmond de Rothschild (Europe) 58.45 59.01 -0.94%
EFG Bank (Luxembourg) S.A. 44.44 44.07 0.84%
Eurobank Private Bank Luxembourg S.A. 7.51 7.12 5.47%
European Depositary Bank S.A. 46.01 44.35 3.76%
HSBC Private Bank (Luxembourg) S.A. 26.84 11.28 137.90%
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Europe) S.A., en abrégé ICBC (Europe) S.A. 32.71 23.09 41.67%
ING LUXEMBOURG S.A. 103.13 107.02 -3.64%
Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Luxembourg S.A. 45.50 44.37 2.55%
Intesa Sanpaolo Wealth Management S.A. 43.96 33.70 30.46%
John Deere Bank S.A. 3.97 3.47 14.59%
Lombard Odier (Europe) S.A. 63.02 62.43 0.96%
Mirabaud & Cie (Europe) S.A. 23.23 27.73 -16.21%
Mitsubishi UFJ Investor Services and Banking (Luxembourg) S.A. 79.09 85.02 -6.97%
Mizuho Trust & Banking (Luxembourg) SA 34.52 36.84 -6.30%
Natixis Corporate and Investment Banking Luxembourg -1.47 9.10 -116.15%
Nomura Bank (Luxembourg) S.A. 54.48 55.77 -2.32%
NORD/LB Luxembourg S.A. Covered Bond Bank S.A. -31.74 -38.75 -18.10%
Northern Trust Global Services SE 238.59 235.44 1.34%
PayPal (Europe) S.a r.l. et Cie, S.C.A. 335.75 347.13 -3.28%
Quintet Private Bank (Europe) S.A. 244.34 237.31 2.96%
Rakuten Europe Bank S.A. 16.45 17.41 -5.55%
RBC Investor Services Bank S.A./ CACEIS INVESTOR SERVICES BANK S.A. 154.89 175.33 -11.66%
RiverBank S.A. 0.67 0.98 -32.08%
SMBC Nikko Bank (Luxembourg) S.A. 20.85 21.03 -0.87%
Société Générale Capital Market Finance S.A. 21.84 14.73 48.32%
Société Générale Financing and Distribution S.A. -1.03 -1.37 -25.32%
Société Générale Luxembourg 159.11 163.87 -2.91%
Société Nationale de Crédit et d'Investissement -0.29 -0.25 12.82%
Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank (Luxembourg) S.A. 5.82 6.34 -8.19%
Swissquote Bank Europe SA 9.35 8.76 6.78%
UniCredit International Bank (Luxembourg) S.A. 8.13 6.86 18.47%
Union Bancaire Privée (Europe) S.A. 29.29 30.06 -2.58%
VP Bank (Luxembourg) S.A. 20.08 20.12 -0.20%

Profit for the financial year (€ million)

Bank 2023 2022 % change
Advanzia Bank S.A. 97.50 122.41 -20.35%
Agricultural Bank of China (Luxembourg) S.A. 0.50 0.64 -21.89%
Andbank Luxembourg S.A. 6.04 2.83 113.57%
Banco Bradesco Europa S.A. 16.51 21.11 -21.79%
Bank GPB International S.A. 6.14 61.43 -90.00%
Bank Julius Baer Europe S.A. 38.93 27.11 43.58%
Bank of China (Europe) S.A. 68.37 14.37 375.84%
Bank of Communications (Luxembourg) S.A. 7.77 -9.00 N/A
Bankinter Luxembourg S.A. 13.82 -4.44 N/A
Banque de Luxembourg S.A. 75.69 72.11 4.97%
Banque de Patrimoines Privés S.A. 6.86 6.37 7.65%
Banque Degroof Petercam Luxembourg S.A. -4.21 37.62 N/A
Banque et Caisse d'Epargne de l'Etat, Luxembourg 400.78 234.69 70.77%
Banque Havilland S.A. -7.99 -27.77 -71.23%
Banque Internationale à Luxembourg S.A. 201.77 152.93 31.93%
Banque J. Safra Sarasin (Luxembourg) SA 88.09 47.68 84.75%
Banque Raiffeisen Société Coopérative 43.87 23.72 84.98%
Banque Transatlantique Luxembourg S.A. 4.92 3.91 26.02%
BGL BNP Paribas S.A. 437.20 433.00 0.97%
BPER Bank Luxembourg SA 9.33 3.36 177.81%
Brown Brothers Harriman (Luxembourg) S.C.A. 40.94 50.58 -19.07%
BTG Pactual Europe S.A. -3.41 -2.31 47.45%
CA Indosuez Wealth (Europe) S.A. 19.56 82.37 -76.26%
CaixaBank Wealth Management Luxembourg S.A. 1.93 -4.70 N/A
China Construction Bank (Europe) S.A. 17.14 -16.13 N/A
China Everbright Bank (Europe) S.A. 4.75 1.06 349.81%
China Merchants Bank (Europe) S.A. -3.89 -4.54 -14.39%
CIBC Capital Markets (Europe) SA 37.73 0.08 45683.90%
Clearstream Banking S.A. 610.52 432.24 41.25%
Clearstream Fund Centre S.A. 25.87 8.44 206.42%
Commerzbank Finance & Covered Bond S.A. 14.13 -54.25 N/A
Crédit Suisse (Luxembourg) S.A. -0.45 28.81 N/A
Delen Private Bank Luxembourg S.A. 75.44 73.77 2.26%
Deutsche Bank Luxembourg S.A. 290.92 186.43 56.05%
DNB Luxembourg S.A. 14.94 11.15 34.00%
DZ PRIVATBANK S.A. 86.88 79.44 9.36%
Edmond de Rothschild (Europe) 52.82 26.02 102.99%
EFG Bank (Luxembourg) S.A. 63.62 26.55 139.64%
Eurobank Private Bank Luxembourg S.A. 33.54 13.56 147.37%
European Depositary Bank S.A. 19.84 2.85 596.31%
HSBC Private Bank (Luxembourg) S.A. -18.00 -7.40 143.29%
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Europe) S.A., en abrégé ICBC (Europe) S.A. 25.70 -147.71 N/A
ING LUXEMBOURG S.A. 262.85 119.57 119.83%
Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Luxembourg S.A. 131.26 -153.83 N/A
Intesa Sanpaolo Wealth Management S.A. 12.27 8.55 43.59%
John Deere Bank S.A. 19.71 58.94 -66.56%
Lombard Odier (Europe) S.A. 23.11 14.48 59.58%
Mirabaud & Cie (Europe) S.A. -1.22 -1.03 18.70%
Mitsubishi UFJ Investor Services and Banking (Luxembourg) S.A. 88.58 59.06 49.98%
Mizuho Trust & Banking (Luxembourg) SA 10.36 2.72 280.44%
Natixis Corporate and Investment Banking Luxembourg 18.37 9.26 98.44%
Nomura Bank (Luxembourg) S.A. 31.00 18.17 70.59%
NORD/LB Luxembourg S.A. Covered Bond Bank S.A. -16.55 13.72 N/A
Northern Trust Global Services SE 42.69 54.10 -21.10%
PayPal (Europe) S.à r.l. et Cie, S.C.A. 287.49 73.19 292.78%
Quintet Private Bank (Europe) S.A. 43.04 7.63 464.19%
Rakuten Europe Bank S.A. -4.66 -3.68 26.65%
RBC Investor Services Bank S.A./ CACEIS INVESTOR SERVICES BANK S.A. 24.35 28.78 -15.39%
RiverBank S.A. -1.68 -6.75 -75.13%
SMBC Nikko Bank (Luxembourg) S.A. 35.69 5.08 602.08%
Société Générale Capital Market Finance S.A. 0.08 0.07 14.82%
Société Générale Financing and Distribution S.A. 1.78 -74.17 N/A
Société Générale Luxembourg 324.35 343.51 -5.58%
Société Nationale de Crédit et d'Investissement 58.42 35.63 63.98%
Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank (Luxembourg) S.A. 4.13 1.24 233.83%
Swissquote Bank Europe SA 11.25 2.86 293.91%
UniCredit International Bank (Luxembourg) S.A. 1.67 4.75 -64.88%
Union Bancaire Privée (Europe) S.A. 15.88 8.13 95.27%
VP Bank (Luxembourg) S.A. 8.87 5.46 62.63%

Staff (Total number)

Bank 2023 2022 % change
Advanzia Bank S.A. 192 188 2.13%
Agricultural Bank of China (Luxembourg) S.A. 54 52 3.85%
Andbank Luxembourg S.A. 38 37 2.70%
Banco Bradesco Europa S.A. 59 58 0.96%
Bank GPB International S.A. 109 108 0.93%
Bank Julius Baer Europe S.A. 372 361 3.05%
Bank of China (Europe) S.A. 227 N/A
Bank of Communications (Luxembourg) S.A. 69 72 -4.17%
Bankinter Luxembourg S.A. 38 39 -2.56%
Banque de Luxembourg S.A. 992 965 2.80%
Banque de Patrimoines Privés S.A. 102 103 -0.97%
Banque Degroof Petercam Luxembourg S.A. 299 280 6.79%
Banque et Caisse d'Epargne de l'Etat, Luxembourg 1876 1841 1.90%
Banque Havilland S.A. 133 154 -13.64%
Banque Internationale à Luxembourg S.A. 1888 1851 2.00%
Banque J. Safra Sarasin (Luxembourg) SA 227 208 9.13%
Banque Raiffeisen Société Coopérative 683 662 3.17%
Banque Transatlantique Luxembourg S.A. 43 37 16.22%
BGL BNP Paribas S.A. 2100 2152 -2.42%
BPER Bank Luxembourg SA 29 27 7.41%
Brown Brothers Harriman (Luxembourg) S.C.A. 403 392 2.81%
BTG Pactual Europe S.A. 34 26 30.77%
CA Indosuez Wealth (Europe) S.A. 626 590 6.10%
CaixaBank Wealth Management Luxembourg S.A. 29 25 14.28%
China Construction Bank (Europe) S.A. 199 193 3.11%
China Everbright Bank (Europe) S.A. 6 6 -8.33%
China Merchants Bank (Europe) S.A. 22 19 15.79%
CIBC Capital Markets (Europe) SA 27 22 22.73%
Clearstream Banking S.A. 518 557 -7.00%
Clearstream Fund Centre S.A. 139 83 67.47%
Commerzbank Finance & Covered Bond S.A. 33 11 200.00%
Crédit Suisse (Luxembourg) S.A. 332 371 -10.51%
Delen Private Bank Luxembourg S.A. 50 51 -1.96%
Deutsche Bank Luxembourg S.A. 348 320 8.75%
DNB Luxembourg S.A. 41 43 -4.65%
DZ PRIVATBANK S.A. 1110 1052 5.51%
Edmond de Rothschild (Europe) 428 439 -2.51%
EFG Bank (Luxembourg) S.A. 186 183 1.64%
Eurobank Private Bank Luxembourg S.A. 121 105 15.24%
European Depositary Bank S.A. 267 241 10.79%
HSBC Private Bank (Luxembourg) S.A. 174 93 87.10%
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Europe) S.A., en abrégé ICBC (Europe) S.A. 353 363 -2.75%
ING LUXEMBOURG S.A. 966 969 -0.31%
Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Luxembourg S.A. 167 165 1.21%
Intesa Sanpaolo Wealth Management S.A. 216 148 45.95%
John Deere Bank S.A. 152 156 -2.56%
Lombard Odier (Europe) S.A. 210 206 1.94%
Mirabaud & Cie (Europe) S.A. 44 35 25.71%
Mitsubishi UFJ Investor Services and Banking (Luxembourg) S.A. 173 166 4.22%
Mizuho Trust & Banking (Luxembourg) SA 185 180 2.78%
Natixis Corporate and Investment Banking Luxembourg 49 91 -46.15%
Nomura Bank (Luxembourg) S.A. 301 295 2.03%
NORD/LB Luxembourg S.A. Covered Bond Bank S.A. 117 124 -5.65%
Northern Trust Global Services SE 503 484 3.93%
PayPal (Europe) S.à r.l. et Cie, S.C.A. 101 102 -0.98%
Quintet Private Bank (Europe) S.A. 1336 1387 -3.68%
Rakuten Europe Bank S.A. 64 47 36.17%
RBC Investor Services Bank S.A./ CACEIS INVESTOR SERVICES BANK S.A. 860 877 -1.94%
RiverBank S.A. 49 69 -28.99%
SMBC Nikko Bank (Luxembourg) S.A. 82 81 1.23%
Société Générale Capital Market Finance S.A. 5 5 0.00%
Société Générale Financing and Distribution S.A. 9 8 12.50%
Société Générale Luxembourg 1100 1074 2.42%
Société Nationale de Crédit et d'Investissement 16 14 14.29%
Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank (Luxembourg) S.A. 28 27 3.70%
Swissquote Bank Europe SA 66 48 37.50%
UniCredit International Bank (Luxembourg) S.A. 71 69 2.90%
Union Bancaire Privée (Europe) S.A. 117 114 2.63%
VP Bank (Luxembourg) S.A. 100 108 -7.41%

In case annual accounts were prepared on foreign currency basis, the ECB rate at year end was used to convert the figures into EUR

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Stanislas Chambourdon

Stanislas Chambourdon

Partner, Growth and Strategy
KPMG Luxembourg

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Benedikt Barz

Partner, Audit
KPMG Luxembourg

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Reem Olleik Gharib
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KPMG Luxembourg

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