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Banking industry segmentation

Our study is based on 71 of the banks located in Luxembourg in 2023. We have categorized the banks into three distinct segments based on their primary business focus:

  • Private banks: These institutions specialize mainly in managing the personal finances of high net worth individuals (HNWIs). They offer a comprehensive range of financial services tailored to the unique needs of affluent clients.
  • Depository banks: These banks primarily provide custody services, safeguarding assets for their affiliated groups and institutional clients worldwide.
  • Universal banks: Universal banks cater to a broader clientele by offering deposits, business loans, payment solutions and basic investment products or a combination of all the services listed above.

Two banks that specialize in issuing covered bonds were not included in these segments due to their specific business type. Branches were also excluded from our analysis.

Breakdown by business type

In this annual analysis of the Luxembourg banking market, we focus on the performance indicators that reflect the overall trends for each banking segment.

We gathered the financial data from banks’ annual accounts as of December 2023 — 62% of the banks used LuxGAAP methodology and the remaining 38% IFRS. As these methodologies result in different levels of granularity, we standardized all indicators for both accounting schemes to provide accurate and consistent results.

Regulatory classification of the 71 banks included in our analysis

Luxembourg banks/groups designated as significant institutions (SIs)
Other SI
Banks/groups designated as significant institutions (SIs)
Less significant institutions

Source: ECB List of Supervised Entities

Key performance indicators

An overview of the key performance indicators of the bank types covered in this study

Depository banks Private banks Universal banks
Cost/income ratio Average 50.8% 70.8% 48.8%
change compared to PY -11.4pp -3.6pp -7.3pp
Return on equity Average 25.8% 8.2% 7.6%
change compared to PY 6.2pp 1.7pp 3.1pp
Return on assets Average 2.69% 0.55% 0.78%
change compared to PY 1.02pp 0.14pp 0.35pp
Interest margin Average 2.35% 1.13% 1.42%
change compared to PY 1.57pp 0.51pp 0.48pp
Commission margin Average 3.51% 1.08% 0.51%
change compared to PY 0.52pp 0.02pp 0.00pp
Net profit per FTE Average 405,469 93,639 213,346
change compared to PY 45.3% 28.8% 66.4%
Staff costs per FTE Average 134,078 168,195 131,770
change compared to PY 4.2% 5.7% 3.2%

Average number of employees per banking segment

Benchmark your bank

Click each button to view balance sheet and P&L components together with performance indicators by bank type.

Profit and loss overview

Total operating income (average in EUR million)

Average 2023: Total operating income EUR 269.4 million

Total operating income variation (2022-23) 29.4%

Total operating costs (average in EUR million)

Average 2023: Total operating costs EUR 131.4 million

Total operating costs variation (2022-23) 12.4%

Net profit (average in EUR million)

In 2023, universal banks experienced a notable surge in net profits, which reached their highest level in the five-year period covered by this report. This significant increase indicates a robust performance and effective financial strategies.

The remarkable rise in net profits can be attributed primarily to substantial growth in net interest income. With favorable interest rate conditions and increased lending activities, universal banks were able to enhance their income from interest-bearing assets.

Both total operating income and total operating costs saw slight increases in 2023, influenced mainly by higher inflation rates. Despite the rise in operating costs due to inflation, the banks managed to achieve a substantial net profit increase, indicating strong revenue generation and efficient cost management.

This marked improvement in net profits underscores the resilience and adaptability of universal banks. They successfully navigated economic challenges, such as inflation, to achieve significant profitability.

In summary, the year 2023 stands out as a period of exceptional financial performance for universal banks, driven by increased net interest income and effective management of inflation-related operating costs. This highlights their ability to capitalize on market conditions and maintain strong profitability amid economic fluctuations.

Balance sheet overview

Balance sheet (in EUR billion)

Equity (average per banking segment) EUR 1.9 billion+2.3%

While the average total balance sheet fell slightly in 2023, Universal banks have maintained a strong and stable financial position, crucial for supporting their diverse range of financial services.

Loan-to-deposit (customer) ratio

In 2023, universal banks’ loans to customers totaled approximately €4.7 billion, reflecting a slight decrease from the previous year's figure.

Customer deposits were around €5.8 billion. While this figure is lower than in the two previous years, it remains robust, indicating continuing customer trust and a strong deposit base.

The increase in the loans-to-deposits ratio to 81% in 2023 suggests that universal banks are efficiently utilizing their deposits to extend credit to customers. This could be indicative of higher demand for loans or a strategic shift to increase interest income through lending.

Maintaining a high but manageable loans-to-deposits ratio indicates strong financial health, as it balances the need to extend credit with the necessity of maintaining sufficient liquidity.

The relatively stable deposit levels, despite some fluctuations, reflect sustained customer confidence in universal banks, essential for their operational stability.

Profit and loss overview

Total operating income (average in EUR million)

Average 2023: Total operating income EUR 202.6 million

Total operating income variation (2022-23) 25.4%

Total operating costs (average in EUR million)

Average 2023: Total operating costs EUR 102.9 million

Total operating costs variation (2022-23) 2.4%

Net profit (average in EUR million)

Net profit for depository banks surged to €84.9 million in 2023, the highest in the last five years. This significant increase reflects strong financial performance driven by factors such as higher interest rates boosting interest income, increased asset values, increased demand for custody services and effective cost management practices.

It underscores a robust recovery and growth phase for depository banks, with improved economic conditions and post-pandemic recovery both contributing to this.

Balance sheet overview

Balance sheet (in EUR billion)

Equity (average per banking segment) EUR 0.24 billion-31.0%

The average total balance sheet amount fell by 9% compared to 2022.

Loan-to-deposit (customer) ratio

The loan-to-deposit ratio increased slightly in 2023 due to the fall in customer deposits exceeding that in loans to customers.

Profit and loss overview

Total operating income (average in EUR million)

Average 2023: Total operating income EUR 117.0 million

Total operating income variation (2022-23) 17.9%

Total operating costs (average in EUR million)

Average 2023: Total operating costs EUR 82.8 million

Total operating costs variation (2022-23) 12.1%

Net profit (average in EUR million)

The data indicates a recovery and growth trend in net profits for private banks, highlighted by the significant increases since 2020’s low.

Factors such as economic conditions, banking policies, interest rates and market trends are the likely influences.

The 33.3% increase from 2022 to 2023 indicates a robust performance last year.

Balance sheet overview

Balance sheet (in EUR million)

Equity (average per banking segment) EUR 0.28 billion+3.3%

Loan-to-deposit (customer) ratio

The loan-to-deposit ratio dipped slightly in 2023 due to the fall in loans to customers exceeding that in customer deposits.

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Meet our team

Stanislas Chambourdon

Stanislas Chambourdon

Head of Banking
KPMG Luxembourg

Email ›View profile ›

Benedikt Barz

Benedikt Barz

Director, Audit
KPMG Luxembourg

Email ›View profile ›

For queries, please contact:

Reem Olleik Gharib
Manager, Audit
KPMG Luxembourg

Email ›Tel.: +352 22 51 51 6126