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Geographical origin of Luxembourg’s credit institutions

Countries of origin: Europe

Explore the number and geographical origins of financial institutions from European countries

Of Luxembourg’s 118 banks (including branches and covered bonds banks) as at end 2023, 85 were from Europe, with 42 percent of these originating from Luxembourg’s three bordering countries.

Countries of origin: worldwide

New entrants and leavers in Luxembourg in 2023

  • 1 Entries
  • 4 Exits

Change in number of credit institutions

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Meet our team

Stanislas Chambourdon

Stanislas Chambourdon

Head of Banking
KPMG Luxembourg

Email ›View profile ›

Benedikt Barz

Benedikt Barz

Director, Audit
KPMG Luxembourg

Email ›View profile ›

For queries, please contact:

Reem Olleik Gharib
Manager, Audit
KPMG Luxembourg

Email ›Tel.: +352 22 51 51 6126