KPMG Ignition Tokyo、Machine Learning Tokyoとのパートナーシップを締結

KPMG Ignition Tokyo、Machine Learning Tokyoとのパートナーシップを締結

KPMG Ignition Tokyoは、オープンエデュケーション、オープンソース、オープンサイエンスを通じた機械学習と人工知能の民主化に取り組む一般社団法人Machine Learning Tokyo とパートナーシップ契約を締結しました。MLTとのパートナーシップを通じて、テクノロジーコミュニティのさらなる成長と発展に貢献することを目指しています。


KPMGジャパングループのデジタル変革とイノベーション創発の拠点である、株式会社KPMG Ignition Tokyo(本社:東京都千代田区、代表取締役社長:茶谷 公之、以下、KIT)は、オープンエデュケーション、オープンソース、オープンサイエンスを通じた機械学習と人工知能の民主化に取り組む一般社団法人Machine Learning Tokyo (以下“MLT”)とパートナーシップ契約を締結しました。MLTとのパートナーシップを通じて、KITは、テクノロジーコミュニティのさらなる成長と発展に貢献することを目指しています。


KITの代表取締役兼CEOである茶谷 公之は次のように述べています。「さまざまな機会を通じて、MLTとコラボレーションできることを大変嬉しく思います。このパートナーシップにより、MLTが築いてきたコミュニティを通じて、KITがその専門性を活かしてテクノロジーコミュニティに貢献していけることを楽しみにしています」


株式会社KPMG Ignition Tokyoは、その先端技術の専門性によって、今後もKPMGジャパンのデジタルプラットフォームテクノロジーを構築していくとともに、クライアント企業のデジタルトランスフォーメーションを支援してまいります。

株式会社KPMG Ignition Tokyoについて

株式会社KPMG Ignition Tokyo(KIT)は、KPMGジャパンの監査、税務、アドバイザリーサービスの業務に共通のデジタルプラットフォームテクノロジーを開発・構築するとともに、企業のデジタルトランスフォーメーションを支援しています。KITでは、クラウド、AI、ブロックチェーン、IoTの先端技術の専門家だけでなく、データサイエンス、データ可視化、クラウドアーキテクチャ、システムセキュリティなどの各領域の専門家を国内外から集結させ、膨大で複雑なデータの安全な管理、アジャイルやデブオプスの手法を用いたプラットフォームの開発・運営、そのデータを経営判断に反映するための分析、さらにはそのデータを簡単に理解するための可視化などを進めています。これらの最新デジタル技術と、KPMGジャパンが今まで培ってきた専門的知見を融合させ、グローバルと連携しながら共通基盤とソリューションを創発しています。


有限責任 あずさ監査法人、KPMG税理士法人、KPMGコンサルティング株式会社、株式会社KPMG FAS、KPMGあずさサステナビリティ株式会社、KPMGヘルスケアジャパン株式会社、KPMG社会保険労務士法人、株式会社KPMG Ignition Tokyo

KPMG Ignition Tokyo Announces Partnership with Machine Learning Tokyo

KPMG Ignition Tokyo, Inc. (“KIT,” hereinafter), a hub to promote digital transformation and the sparking of innovation at KPMG Japan, has announced a partnership with Machine Learning Tokyo (“MLT,” hereinafter), a non-profit organization dedicated to democratizing Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence through open education, open source and open science. The partnership will enable KIT to contribute to the further development and growth of the technology community.

MLT supports a research and engineering community of 6,500 members and 25,000 followers in Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Data Science and Robotics. Since its founding in 2017, MLT has held more than 200 technical Machine Learning, AI or Math workshops, talks and study sessions with thousands of participants. In this partnership, KIT and MLT will cosponsor events including seminar, hackathon and ideathon, either physical or online, and invite the MLT community to participate aiming for the further growth and development of the technology community.

Masayuki Chatani, CEO and Representative Director of KIT, commented as follows. “We are delighted to partner with MLT and to collaborate with them in various opportunities going forward. This partnership will allow us to utilize our expertise to contribute to the technology community through the broad network that MLT has developed.”

Suzana Ilić, Representative Director of MLT, commented as follows. “Our mission is to grow and sustain an inclusive, collaborative and engineering focused environment for students and professionals. Together with KIT, we will be able to provide more occasions for the community to study and work on their Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence projects.”

KIT will continue developing the digital platform for KPMG Japan and support the digital transformation of their clients by utilizing its expertise of the leading technology.

About KPMG Ignition Tokyo, Inc.

KPMG Ignition Tokyo, Inc. (KIT) develops and builds common digital platform technologies for KPMG Japan’s Audit, Tax, and Advisory service lines, while supporting the digital transformation of enterprises. From Japan and abroad, KIT has assembled a team of diverse experts in the leading technologies such as cloud, AI, blockchain, and IoT, as well as in the digital fields of data science, data visualization, cloud architecture, and system security, to drive secure management of massive and complex data, development and operation of platforms using Agile and DevOps approaches, analysis to reflect the data in management judgments, and visualization for easy understanding from the data. Merging these latest digital technologies with professional insights accumulated at KPMG Japan, KIT will innovate and initiate a common infrastructure and solutions through cooperation with KPMG Global.

About KPMG Japan

KPMG Japan is the collective term for KPMG International’s member firms in Japan, comprising eight professional member firms in the areas of Audit, Tax, and Advisory. KPMG Japan is committed to providing value-added services to address our clients’ management issues through cooperation with our professionals’ expertise and skills, as well as with the KPMG Global network.
KPMG Japan member firms include:
KPMG AZSA LLC, KPMG Tax Corporation, KPMG Consulting Co., Ltd., KPMG FAS Co., Ltd., KPMG AZSA Sustainability CO., Ltd., KPMG Healthcare Japan Co., Ltd, KPMG Social Insurance and Labor Advisors Corporation, and KPMG Ignition Tokyo

© 2025 KPMG AZSA LLC, a limited liability audit corporation incorporated under the Japanese Certified Public Accountants Law and a member firm of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved. © 2025 KPMG Tax Corporation, a tax corporation incorporated under the Japanese CPTA Law and a member firm of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved. 

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