Letter from our CEO

In an era when building resilience and operating from a place of empathy is the need of the hour, KPMG in India reaffirms its unwavering commitment to sustainable and ethical business practices. Our Impact Plan 2024 demonstrates the resolve with which we make choices that help our clients and communities thrive

This year, we have made notable progress in embedding Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) principles as a watermark in all that we do. We remain steadfast in this approach, which helps us not only foster confidence but also enables innovation and partnership.

Yezdi Nagporewalla Chief Executive Officer
KPMG in India

Messages from our leadership

Sameer Chadha

Sameer Chadha

Chief Executive Officer, KPMG Global Services (KGS)

As our organisation grows, the need to play our part in influencing positive change around us has never been more acute. Each year, we reaffirm and strengthen our commitment to our planet, people, and communities through Our Impact Plan.

This report details our actions and endeavours across the pillars of Governance, People, Planet and Prosperity. This year, we have intensified our resolve and taken more meaningful steps to reduce our carbon footprint and drive sustainable practices across our organisation.

Our people focus is built on nurturing an inclusive environment that enables our colleagues to flourish, while upholding the highest standards of governance, transparency, accountability, and ethical conduct in all that we do.

Beyond KPMG Global Services, we retain an unwavering commitment to improving the communities around us through our Corporate Citizenship agenda.

Our Impact Plan 2024 tells the story of this commitment toward the KPMG Values of Together and For Better.

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Sameer Chadha

Jiten Chopra

Chief Operating Officer, KPMG in India

This year, our firm made significant progress in our operational practices by focusing on increasing efficiency and incorporating sustainability into our operations. We streamlined our processes to make them more sustainable and efficient, reflecting our commitment to the pillars of Governance, People, Planet and Prosperity. Our efforts to reduce our environmental impact and positively impact our communities were driven by the careful integration of ESG principles across all our business functions. Looking ahead, we are excited to pursue strategies that not only drive sustainable business growth but also deliver tangible benefits to our clients and society.

Sameer Chadha

Ritesh Chopra

Chief Operating Officer, KPMG Global Services (KGS)

The urgency of the climate crisis requires decisive action and consistent commitment toward practices that help leave a healthier planet for our future generations. We are deeply conscious of our responsibilities and base our choices on the impact they can have on our planet.

From switching to greener energy sources, promoting circular practices, banning single-use plastic bottles in our offices to rationalising travel – we are determined to take the calls that drive positive change, even if they are tough.

About this report

Our Purpose and Values guide everything we do

We conducted a comprehensive materiality assessment covering a three-year window, encapsulating 12 of the most important topics that align with the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) International Business Council (IBC) metrics as well as our principles and business strategy.

This report has been prepared in alignment with these 12 topics, entailing a comprehensive review of:

  • ESG practices and reporting mechanisms at KPMG International (KPMGI)
  • Relevant standards and frameworks prevalent at the time
  • Evolving regulatory and ESG trends
  • Benchmarked best practices across our competitive landscape
  • Inputs from employees, leaders, and stakeholders.

The scope of this edition includes ESG commitments and actions of KPMG in India across its 32 offices in 16 Indian cities, covering member entities and KPMG Global Services. 1 October 2022 to 30 September 2023 will hereafter be abbreviated as ‘FY2023’.

We will build on to our materiality assessments over the next few years, keeping in line with the evolving landscape and, transparency and reporting standards prevalent in the industry.

Our approach:
  • Adapt to shifting stakeholder and business priorities, while engaging our employees and stakeholders in our journey
  • Review business risks and peer norms
  • Leverage on the existing knowledge base of our international Firm on material issues applicable across our member firms
  • Be clear and transparent about our ESG initiatives
  • Through this report, we underscore trust in the Firm, our partnership and the operating ecosystem.
Our Approach

About KPMG in India

Established in September 1993, KPMG in India works with 43 per cent of the Fortune 500 companies, globally.

Together with our clients, stakeholders and communities, we embrace the challenge of delivering our purpose, through collective action and steadfast commitment.

We are not merely envisioning a better future; we are actively building it, one step at a time.


At KPMG in India, we understand the unique opportunity and responsibility we hold in addressing the pressing global challenges of today. Aligned with our purpose, our commitment to Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) principles forms the core of our ethos and how we make the difference. Embracing these principles is a deeply ingrained belief guiding our every action, allowing us to make the difference.


By prioritising these initiatives, we aim to build trust with our clients, mitigate risks, unlock value and pave the way for resilient businesses and a sustainable future.


As we continue this transformative journey, each decision, initiative and partnership reflects our unwavering commitment to make a meaningful impact. Having catalogued our ESG commitments under one umbrella - Our Impact Plan (OIP), we reaffirm our dedication to transparency and accountability with this edition.

Our material topics

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  • Purpose, Values and Culture: We are led by our Purpose and are committed to creating a values-based, responsible and people-centric culture
  • Ethics, integrity, and independence: We are committed to observing the highest standards of personal and professional behaviour, consistent with our aim of becoming the most trusted professional services firm
  • Transparency and accountability: Our governance and practice management standards ensure consistency and accountability across the entire organisation, in our markets and stakeholder ecosystem
  • Providing high-quality services in public interest: We have a fundamental commitment to serving public interest, building trust and advising clients on how they can transform their business to create sustainable value
  • Information protection: Cyber security and data privacy represent significant risks if they are not closely monitored. Protecting information is fundamental to every service that we offer to our clients.


  • Talent attraction, development, and retention: As a people business, attracting and nurturing the right talent is critical to our success. We foster a continuous-learning environment and empower our people to make a mark
  • Inclusion, Diversity and Equity (IDE): By valuing differences, we foster an inclusive and open Environment, underpinned by equal opportunity for all
  • Health and wellbeing: The mental health and physical wellbeing of our people is a priority for us. We endeavour to provide tools and practices that help them to be healthy and feel secure and supported.


  • Environmental sustainability: We work towards a culture where sustainable practices, both within and beyond our organisation, are a part of our DNA, to leave a healthier planet for future generations.


  • Economic contribution: We are committed to enable economic growth, prosperity and contribute to nationbuilding in meaningful ways
  • Technology and innovation: We are committed to staying relevant and competitive and provide cutting-edge solutions to our clients
  • Impactful community initiatives: We create a positive impact through a wide range of social initiatives, emphasising on education for the youth and the underserved communities.
Governance background image

Our purpose and values guide everything we do

People background image

Creating a caring, inclusive and values-driven culture for our people

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Fostering sustainable practices, to leave a healthier planet is how we make the difference for future generations

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Making a positive social and economic impact

Key Highlights of FY23

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Download our reports for more detail on KPMG in India activities this year, and in previous years.

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Letter from our CEO

In an era when building resilience and operating from a place of empathy is the need of the hour, KPMG in India reaffirms its unwavering commitment to sustainable and ethical business practices. Our Impact Plan 2024 demonstrates the resolve with which we make choices that help our clients and communities thrive.

This year, we have made notable progress in embedding Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) principles as a watermark in all that we do. We remain steadfast in this approach, which helps us not only foster confidence but also enables innovation and partnership.

Over the last year, KPMG in India, alongside our global counterparts, has had remarkable achievements under the pillars of Governance, People, Planet and Prosperity. We have remained transparent and accountable and enhanced our efforts towards the wellbeing of our people and communities. Our collective commitment reflected in the 3.6Mn learning hours, averaging a robust 83 learning hours per person, and our employees and their families contributing over 124,000 volunteering hours. We believe we are on the right path.

Our social programmes extend support to initiatives that aim at improving the quality of education, help create exposure to new subjects and topics, foster innovation and empower underserved communities. Our business strategies are aligned to our ESG pledge, which helps us go beyond our business responsibilities, helps us to continue finding ways to lighten our footprint on the environment and create lasting value for our clients, communities and stakeholders.

This journey towards a future where business success and societal wellbeing coexist is outlined in this report, which also invites our stakeholders to join us in this transformative quest.

We are confident that through collaboration, we can surpass the ordinary and establish an extraordinary legacy for future generations. I extend my heartfelt thanks to our clients, stakeholders and communities for their ongoing support and partnership as we work towards creating a better, more sustainable world – One World, One Family.

Yezdi Nagporewalla

Chief Executive Officer

KPMG in India

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