The three most important stakeholders and their competencies for a successful GBS transition are:

  1. Project Leads (with the support of the organizational leadership)
    These stakeholders ensure that the project follows the aligned approach and respects the timeline as well as the budget. Further, they lead the GBS project and support each stakeholder in case of issues or questions regarding the project. By supporting the team’s collaboration, they ensure that the full expertise of the team is leveraged and that the transition is carried out smoothly and efficiently, with minimal disruption to the business.

  2. SMEs and Process Leads
    These stakeholders have a deep understanding of both the processes and the IT landscape involved in a GBS transition. They are fundamental in understanding the organization and in identifying the tasks in order to adapt the Standard Process Model.

  3. Local Teams
    These stakeholders have an invaluable knowledge of local rules and regulations and their implications, therefore providing valuable insights into potential challenges and opportunities during the GBS transition.

KPMG is available to assist your company in developing and implementing a comprehensive change and communication plan, as well as monitoring the key milestones.

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